You CAN Legally Play Sonic Unleashed


コメント (21)
  • Apparently, this game was also supposed to be on PC, but that version was cut. No real reason is known but the best speculation is that the game was too much for that hardware at the time. As for a possible modern port, Sega usually treat those as quick cash-grabs, a bad port for this game could tarnish it's reputation much like what happend to other 3D Sonic games that were given a "remaster" later on.
  • @Mepphy99
    the fact Sega re listed 06 and Unleashed is beyond amazing ... if only it was on something else than Xbox
  • @Speed_Tales_
    No one ever brings this up, but is it possible it has something to do with the voice cast? Far as I've seen Sega has never re-released any of the games with the 4kids voices.
  • The fact a 2020 console running a graphically sub par 2008 game at 4k 60 is an achivement really shows something
  • I was surprised the other day when I discovered while browsing 360 games that both this game and 06 got re-listed on the 360 store, I’d heard they got delisted but you’re the first person I’ve seen mention the re-listing. I really hope it does get a PC port someday, though. It was planned for a PC release before Generations but the bad performance lead to it getting cancelled, but it was used as the base for Generations, there’s a bunch of commented out code in Generations related to the lighting and effects from Unleashed that weren’t used in Generations, which are patched back in if you run the Unleashed Project.
  • If they just made a few tweaks in a theoretical Unleashed Ultimate, it would easily become my favourite 3D Sonic. Tweaks like medal system overhaul (give all main story stages Lvl.1 gates, extra stages Lvl.2-5 gates and DLC stages Lvl.6-7 gates and reduce the requirement for Lvl.7 from 120 medals to 100 medals), some camera & controls adjustments and a drop shadow for the Werehog.
  • @froster1247
    Something to add some salt into the wound: Before the redo of the PS subscription line and the ending of PS Now (Which had a selection of sonic games from CD to Generations and Unleashed) are gone and havent returned to PS Premium as its Now's replacement. As someone who did play Unleashed from Now intially it sucks to see it not return anywhere else.
  • @Miaou98
    My theory is that they might have licensing issues with the physics engine they used (Havoc) which wasn't an in-house engine so there might be some legal issue if they were to re-release the game without renewing the license. It's still speculation though.
  • @Heazytoohot
    I play it often on my series s. It looks so good at 60 fps. The patch also applies to series s and Xbox One
  • Yeah i play that game all the time "legally"
  • @Quealberta
    I was always yearning to play this game since i was a young teen. Now i get to play it on my little brother's Xbox.
  • @keeby4
    I don't have the new Xbox so I just emulate it on rpcs3.
  • still can't get over the size of that giant brick...image the heat radiating from that thing.
  • I've heard of two reasons. One is something to do with the main theme, endless possibilities, and the copyright between it. Two something to do with licensing issues with the havoc engine, and also how the hedgehog engine two works.
  • @bananaguy238
    from my understanding on the 4k graphics for unleashed, it does change depending on what screen you play it on but playing it on my monitor (which can do 4k60 but 1080 is cleaner on unleashed for some reason) vs the 4k tv, whenever i play it on the tv it looks like it gets upscaled but as I get closer to the tv the pixels begin to show their age, but the tv does clean up the pixels some for some reason which makes the game look like its upscaled, idk how this works if any tech gurus can lead me in the right direction
  • I still have my 360 copy on my shelf and I play my series X constantly. Why didn’t I know about this fps boost?