There's Something I Want to Tell You...

I'm scared.

__________WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL_________

Hey! my name is Moriah (pronounced muh-rye-yuh 😂 ) and this is my channel....obviously. I'm 27 and like doing anything creative...and being snarky.....just a lil. I make a lot of decorating, painting and general art videos here. I'm obsessed with editing and adding lil bits to my videos, so if that's not your thing....oof you may hate this haha. I paint on squishies, thrift store finds, and other random things I pick up. I also love to draw, but don't expect anything too skilled, I'm not the best at that haha. You will also find occasional crafting/testing crafting kits on my channel which are always a hot mess. And even some baking (REALLY bad at that, but it's fun to try LOL).

Squishy Makeovers: Fixing and decorating used squishies sent from my viewers
Thrift Store Makeovers: Fixing and decorating stuff I find at thrift stores/yard sales
Bake With ME: Recreating squishies I've decorated in real life
Create This Book: Drawing in the prompt book that I wrote (available to purchase and follow along)
Squishy Unboxing: Opening used squishy packages sent from viewers
Craft Kit Testing: pretty self explanatory. testing craft kits.

Find Products I Use (contains affiliate links):


Every Friday at 4:00pm ET: Alternating Squishy Makeovers, Thrift Makeovers, Craft Kit Reviews, Create This Book, Mail Openings and Miscellaneous crafts and DIYs




ME Merchandise:








EMAIL PICTURES OF YOUR ART (Create This Book or Fan art only please):
[email protected]

[email protected]

____MAIL ME____

For sending squishies, Letters, or general fan mail, please contact: [email protected] to request my P.O. box address
(must be 13+ to send mail)
ATTENTION: Unfortunately I can only respond to a small amount of people each week. This is to make sure that I get a reasonable amount of mail and can feature the maximum amount on camera. I apologize in advance if you do not hear back from me, I may not have even seen the message. This email gets SUPER clogged with thousands of messages. Currently have 50,000+ unread messages just in this folder. SORRY PEEPS!

コメント (21)
  • The cutest munchkin can't have bad squishing technique ☺
  • Awe, Moriah! she’s absolutely adorable! Hiding your pregnancy and STILL making content is super impressive. You’re going to be the most coolest mom on the planet as she grows 💕💝
  • I was shocked that Moriah still did videos while she was pregnant she is so persistent even when an entire baby the baby is adorable!!
  • @IslaDrawZ
    THIS WAS 1 YEAR AGO? She’s growing too quick I want her to have that adorable face forever 😭
  • Ahh congrats Moriah! You're incredible for keeping up with your channel throughout your pregnancy. It was interesting hearing your account of all this, because I'm only a few months behind you! I can already tell you're a super fun Mom :D
  • @Vixella
    AHH CONGRATS!! she is absolutely ADORABLE 🥺
  • Imagine she follows Moriah’s footsteps and makes her own art channel
  • @sawtrap0
    Omg I came back to her YouTube after a while and I’m so shocked😭so happy for you Moriah
  • Let’s just acknowledge the fact that she posted every week of her pregnancy except for one which was the week that she was in labour. Moriah you are just so amazing honestly wow
  • i genuinely have so much respect for moriah- not only did she listen to herself and her own boundaries but she’s not trying to profit off of her child like so many other parent content creators do. her daughter will appreciate that privacy so much growing up
  • Her daughter is going to grow up amazing and have a great mother. Congratulations🥳 she’s going to be a social butterfly.🦋
  • @Lace_wing
    10 years later— “Mom! I have this art protect” “Step aside my time has come”
  • Congrats on pulling a secret pregnancy off, I can't believe nobody noticed anything! She's absolutely adorable, you definitely have a thing for creating cute stuff, even with actual babies 🥲
  • She’s the sweetest mini Moriah ever 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and the way you’ve transcended into motherhood whilst maintaining your work, improving your workflow is SO incredible 💕 you’re a wonderful Mom!!
  • @Lk.Editz.13
    I can't believe this was alredy a year ago! Time really does fly! And now she has had an even MINI-ER me who is probalby just as adorable 🤗
  • Congratulations, Moriah! And don't worry, I completely understand how you don't want to share your daughter's name. It is private, and there are many people who film their kids, which, in my personal opinion, should be illegal, so you are doing the right thing, not sharing her name, and other things that might be too personal. And don't worry! I'm now mad, at you! Omg, she is just the cutest thing ever! Congratulations again!
  • @rinly3985
    Let’s just appreciate the fact that even though Moriah was pregnant, she still kept posting videos regularly and didn’t stop posting even now that she is a mother (I never thought I would live to see this day) Edit: wow 550 likes in one hour
  • You did not “let us down” or “trick” us this is your personal life, and for you to even share this with us is incredible. I cannot believe you have a beautiful baby girl. We are so proud of you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • aww! The mother-daughter relationship is adorable! I have been watching this channel for so long; it's so nice to see your family growing, especially with another little one on the way! ♡
  • @jessezigg
    Watching this again and I'm just bowled over by how beautiful she is and how sweet you are with her! Those big, BLUE eyes! 🤗 I certainly understand all of the reasons for keeping your children off camera, but I sure do enjoy seeing her (and someday soon-them). I was violently ill for SEVEN months of my pregnancy (all but the 1st & last 🙄), and I lost a ton of hair too. No one had told me that would happen, and I FREAKED out!! 😂 I'm so excited for your family and the arrival of Baby #2! My "baby" turned 12 this spring. It goes by so quickly (I know, I know... such a cliché, but it's so true.) Enjoy it! Journal things! WRITE DOWN things you're certainly you'll never forget - because you will forget. ❤️❤️❤️