Cardinal Burke on SSPX

Published 2012-06-15
Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, talked to CNS about the ongoing reconciliation talks with the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X. Read more here:

All Comments (21)
  • @lyn1136
    Our priests fly in once a week. Such is the spiritual martyrdom of traditional Catholics. Thanks for your charitable concern.
  • @sanalzam1
    I grew up with novus Ordo and knew next to nothing about the tridentine Mass. Now I can't believe they changed it. To what it is now.
  • @justinreany1514
    If Cardinals McCarrick, Bernadine, Tobin, Cupich, Schonborn, bishop McElroy, Marcel Maciel are "in" can Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and SSPX be out?
  • @jeffyjohn5673
    I miss traditionalism. The Masses and homilies today are so milk toast. No organs, hymns..taking communion in the hand by lay is all so watered down.
  • Obedience? This was the reason why the SSPX is obedient to God because they maintained the Roman Missal under the council of trent by St. Pope Pius V. All Traditional Priest where swore an oath to the Book (The Roman Missal) states that no one will add or remove the mass (TLM) or face consequence from God.
  • @fload46d
    One question begs to be asked: how is the SSPX not obedient to the Popes when they give licit orders? The answer is: the SSPX has never been disobedient to the Popes when they give licit orders. The problem enters when the Popes try to enforce things from the non infallible Vatican II which have already been condemned by the Church.
  • @frankoshea
    They are soldiers of Christ one hundred percent. They are also in my town and that is good.
  • Faith is first, obedience serves the faith not the other way around.
  • @sksman71
    Norvos ordo mass is valid but from what I'm seeing its the form that is all messed up due to inventions to make the mass more lay friendly.I'm observing from the outside and the form is very Protestant looking.yeah you can have the mass in the vernacular but still retain some Latin.the alter rails are gone the prostrations are less the priest has been reduced to a bystander.The hyms and music suck.Bring back the Canters.
  • @SmithsnMoz
    God bless you Cardinal Burke!! Continue speaking our lords truth. Don't ever give in to the diabolical. 2000yrs of Catholic Church doctrine and now some want to change it.. The world and it's modernist corrupt and wicked society might change but our lords Truth never does.. The Holy gospel does not change with time. May our blessed mother Mary keep her beloved sons spouse, his catholic church, free from attacks from the devil.
  • Agreed! Cardinal Burke should be the next pope. He actually says the Traditional Latin Mass publicly, while most diocesan bishops think that they're "God" by banning it in their modernist dioceses.
  • Pope Benedict XVI was removed by that reason too (among others), for allowing wider use of traditional liturgy. That, and the integration of the SSPX, in time would lead to a complete undermining of the Vatican II agenda, and it had to be stopped. Instead, you got a new pontiff who smirks at the traditional liturgy, ridicules it at every step he makes, and you too got all new ways to attack on, divide and corrupt the SSPX. The history of the Maccabees is unfolding right in front of your eyes, only if you could see it.
  • @Carlos-vg8cr
    Ironicaly, Cardinal Burke is now facing the same hard decision Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre had to take to be loyal to God: not obeying the Pope in order to preserve the true Faith and Doctrine. Sadly, he is just some decades late... The truth is Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre was right. And now we are witnesses of the destruction of the Church that started way back in the 1960's. One day, these men, the same that kept silence instead of defending the Faith, will recognise he is the Saint Athanasius of our times. When this day come, the Tradition will return to Rome.
  • @Carlos-vg8cr
    This video was 7 years ago (I am making this comment in 2019). Now (in 2019), Cardinal Burke has been forced to take a stand against the errors of Pope Francis and his "heterodox Catholicism". Would this make Cardinal Burke an apostate or a schismatic? Of course, not. He is just defending the Faith. The same happened to Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre 50 years ago. Hope someday Cardinal Burke wake up and help restore the due honor to Lefebvre, a true Saint Athanasius of our times.
  • @n_sye
    Obedience is code for accepting modernism. SSPX is a massive thorn to Vatican II and must continue to flourish in beautiful vocations.
  • @TheKevin9000
    It was never flawed, the problem was people who would take poetic licence and alter certain parts of the liturgy that was not clearly laid out. Facing the people, removing alter rails, communion on the hand, removing the tabernacle, altering the prayer of consecration and so on. I mean even the alters have been changed so much so that it is impossible to say the traditional latin mass. The Novus Ordo was never meant to stifle liturgical diversity or replace the old mass.