Let's Play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas pt 12: An Offer One Can't Refuse

Published 2024-07-08
CJ ventures out to the Tierra Robada to meet with the mysterious man who has him take a simple test. After wowing the need to know basis mechanics, CJ finally meets the owner of the monster truck and the voice who summoned him.

SUPRISE!!!! It was Mike Toreno all along, who reveals that he was not a drug runner by choice but by means necessarily. Toreno is revealed to be a government agent that was waging a war on drug running in Latin America that required him to get dirty. He then orders CJ that he needs help fighting against rogue agencies that are damaging both his career and survival in exchange for a full pardon for both him and Sweet.

He continues to dangle to offer in front of CJ and reveals a big chunk we were all wondering since the beginning of the game. WHO THE EFF WAS PENDLEBURY!?

Ralph Pendlebury was a member of CRASH who got wind of Tenpenny and Pulaski's actions, threatening to turn them in for their acts. Unfortunately, the duo got word and had the poor guy killed, all for the purpose to blackmail and frame CJ for work. Knowing how deep of a shitshow he and his brother are in, CJ agrees to keep working for Mike in exchange for Sweet to be protected and for a clear record.

Please note the characters, setting, story, music and dialog, as well as all licensed material do not belong to me but to their respective owners and creators. I only own a copy of this game. This video is made for entertainment purposes and for non-profit means, just for the amusement and entertainment for those who game. I game there for I am. Also if you hear audio cut, please do not be alarmed, that was done to prevent copyright, but it should be good.

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at www.twitch.tv/zhaoyun42090

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