OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - Explained from a therapist's perspective with my 10 top tips

Publicado 2016-09-13
Check out my OCD Treatment Course www.patreon.com/theanxietyspecialist

What is OCD? Let me help you to understand #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder and ease the symptoms of OCD, anxiety, GAD, Pure O and all the variations of #OCD. Cleaning, counting, checking, thinking, avoiding germs, intrusive thoughts, the list goes on...

I overcame my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) at the age of 35 after a lifetime of intrusive thoughts, exhausting compulsions and annoying everybody around me (and myself) with my pedantic behaviours.

It wasn't easy, but I found a way to reprogram my brain and desensitise my body, which left me calmer, with more choices and the freedom to live in new ways.

You can't remain the same person and remove OCD - because it is being you, acting like you and thinking like you, which is making you.

Therefore, it is by becoming a person who understands themselves better and can use clever techniques to change themselves at all levels that any serious hope of change is possible.

In this short video animation, I have highlighted what I learned from my own recovery and from 17 years as an OCD therapist who has had amazing success helping people out of complex anxiety - especially OCD and Pure O.

0:00 What is OCD?
1:38 OCD sits on top of anxiety
2:13 OCD symptom or problem?
2:36 Intrusive thoughts
3:01 OCD compulsions
6:36 Types of OCD chart
7:28 The OCD stay at home prisoner
7:58 The OCD technical loner
8:18 The OCD self-employed controller
9:09 The OCD get on with it pragmatist
11:02 The 5 classes of OCD sabotage
14:20 Top 10 tips for OCD help

#OCD #OCDtreatment #ocdtips

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TattooGames
    I replaced my OCD in thoughts with cognitive awareness.... now I'm an expert at it. I was given a dose of 30mil of escitalopram (dangerous dosage) by a psychiatrist and weaned myself off them completely. Brazilian jiu-jitsu saved my life, now I'm complementing it with yoga, breathwork, walks in the park, eating clean, high water intake, less caffeine. I'm not a master of my own mind yet, but I will be some day. Breathwork (at least) should be a part of every person's daily routine. The mind can be conquered peeps, the intrusive thoughts can be irradicated and mental freedom can easily be enjoyed.
  • @sharonm3014
    I am crying watching this. I am exhausted by all the rituals and covering them up.
  • @Hello-qs3cl
    I think this video will change my life, thank you. It’s like someone made a video specifically for me and what I’ve been thinking about
  • @davem475
    YOU ARE and absolute genius !! YOU...described MY OCD almost to a TEE and...for the FIRST TIME in MY ENTIRE LIFE, gave me a NEW perspective on this miserable condition I have had most of my adult life !! You, are a TRUE GIFT and your pointing out that anxiety IS the ROOT cause and that ADDRESSING anxiety is the BEST way to get this miserable condition O-U-T of ones life is just PRICELESS !! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!
  • @Canonmentos
    I've been living with extreme OCD forever. It is like a bully in your head.
  • @sherrimandel6983
    Psychedelic is the answer to most severe anxiety and depression...The use of magic mushrooms completely helps one get over depression and makes you feel like yourself...I used antidepressants for some years but it only made me feel like a zombie but with immediate use of mushroom 🍄 in few months I feel like I'm living a whole new Life.
  • @markrodgers1965
    As someone who has suffered and currently battling with ocd for 20 solid years there are a few things that have really helped out: 1. Fluoxetine medication 2.Meditation 3.walking/hiking 4.magnesium 5.vitamin D 6.zinc 7.calming Tea 8.this video
  • @whooshair8150
    i am so happy to be born in the 21st century, that such wonderful treatment videos r available
  • I recently went through terrible trauma and have noticed the development of these obsessive thoughts (first intrusive thoughts) in my mind. Initially, I wanted to admit myself to a hospital or something- I thought I was an awful human being for even considering harming someone I care about, even if I would never on my life go through with it. Then, with the help of videos like these, I started to regain a level of control and comfort over my reactions to these thoughts that I cannot control. Thank you for broaching this topic, and to anyone reading, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! You are simply going through a period of difficulty and it WILL GET BETTER! Sending all the love your way!!
  • @chrismason1603
    I have been in John's patreon course for the last 7 months and just have to say how much of a positive change it has made to me, before finding it I really thought that I was stuck with OCD. I am now anxiety free 95% of the day and my obsessive thinking has almost disappeared, they still come up but now with Johns teaching I know I don't have to try and find a solution, the solution is not thinking! I feel like a whole new person, it really is such an in depth and brilliant course and John makes so easy to watch and learn from! If you are feeling stuck and hopeless, give it a go! you really can make the changes you want!
  • @Jherick5954
    I cried 3 times while watching this video. It all made complete sense.
  • @Stavros-yj2nt
    In short words,your thoughts are not yours...just observe the thought and never relate yourself with them.The secret for a better life is to stop programming your life'just do what you have to do.for example,you want to finish a book or take your certificate,just do it!and stop that if...if that or that,what if,i am tired I can't etc.you go to gym?never say I'm tired or ah better tomorrow,just do it etc...sometimes we have fun,sometimes we work,sometimes we read,sometimes we go to the gym...life its life..do it!never schedule your life with question's or thought's...i struggle with the beast 8 years...i am on my way... sometimes i lose... that's my motivational quotes 👍👍
  • @lily-sr2gk
    When I was a kid I was so confused why am I like this. Then I learned about OCD and I realized it's actually a thing and I'm not alone in this journey. There are people who understands me. I'm still going through it but I'm being more kind to myself than before.
  • @actsrv9
    Brilliant. Best ever explanation of OCD. Here are some methods that work (long but very useful): When your own mind, which knows your darkest secrets turns on you, because it forgets to love itself (a basic characteristic of all living beings), it can bring untold misery - an enemy that knows more about you than you. Unconditional self-love works like a charm against OCD. Self-love brings unconditional security, which kills anxiety like light removes darkness. Love yourself unconditionally. OCD either forces you to a life of suffering or it makes you a liberal saint. OCD gives you your own deep embedded sociopath self out to sabotage you. But this personal inner sociopath melts at the touch of kindness, security and intimacy. Every animal, however ferocious with other animals, is always gentle with itself. Then why not you? Love yourself, be secure, and befriend your subconscious scheming sociopath monster with love. Hating him/her will only feed its manipulations and motivations. Embrace thy enemy. Ask "why? and "for whose benefit?" when the monster accuses and suggests crimes. Even the most sociopathic monster child breaks down in the face of unrelenting self-love. Absence of fear is fearlessness. But the opposite of fear is security and love. Shower yourself with it, all your selves, outer to innermost, innermost first, including the sociopath. Works like magic. Unconditional self-forgiveness is a major component of unconditional self-love. Digging up the past is repeating the same thought crimes. No human court or logical system does that. Why you? Guilt-tripping is half the disorder. Too much fake accusation and too much forced guilt where you are not guilty. Shaming and making you feel guilty is half the joy of the sociopath inside. Ask him/her why all the scheming, when everything is otherwise ok? It then boils down to perceiving wrongly pain as joy. Which is the the backbone of the socioapth's motivations. A normal self-loving sociopath does not inflict pain on himself/herself. Tell that to your inner sociopath. Talk to the inner sociopath every day. He/she can be reformed quickly with security and love.
  • @tonymoroc
    Without any doubt this is one of the best video's I have ever seen on this subject. Your explanation is accurate and to the point. Really enjoyed watching it.
  • @theabyss310
    This, even though I'm not diagnosed with OCD, was really helpful for dealing with some of my paranoia and vivid intrusive thoughts. Plus, this video calmed me down because you have a really soothing voice. Thank you so much!