Dumb Ways To Die Meme (True Story)(Read description)

Published 2023-04-08
So last year I was in P.E. for first period, and we were doing this exercise called the Carioca. Some girls came before me and they did it fast so when it was my turn, I tried to do it fast too. But my clumsy ass lost my footing and fell on my right arm (I’m right handed). The coach told me to get my stuff cause he was taking me to the nurse, and she gave me an ice pack. The nurse asked me if I wanted to call my parents and I said no because my arm was only sore and I thought it would get better in a few minutes. About half an hour later, I was proven wrong. It was hard to move my arm without it hurting, ESPECIALLY writing. I could only keep my arm in the position it’s in if it were in a sling without it hurting. And I had myself soldier through the day. When I got to my grandmother’s car when she picked me up at the end of the day (she picked me up after school), she asked me what was wrong so I told her. She took me to the clinic where we met my mom, and I got my X-rays. Though, they weren’t able to get good pictures cause remember, it was hard to move my arm without it hurting. I was given a sling and we went home. The next day, my dad took me to the orthopedic clinic where they checked my X-rays. And there was a bunch of waiting. Finally, the doctor came in saying it was either a fracture or a bone swelling (apparently bones can swell) and I was fitted in a cast (I chose red). And then we went home and didn’t have to got out school the rest of the day. I was in the cast for two weeks which was torture cause I couldn’t draw. And to add salt to the wound, my parents let me open my birthday presents from my grandma early and one of them was an art set that came with two sketchbooks that has thick watercolor paper. And I got my cast off the day before my 15th birthday. But in those two weeks, I created my first OC, which is my main OC, so something good came out of it. Oh and we never done exercises after getting out of my cast lol.

Hope y’all have a good day/night!

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