Shocking News - People Like Good Characters

Publicado 2020-05-25
So after a recent article dealing with the backlash to Rian Johnson's "interesting" interpretation of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, I thought it would be interesting to dive into what audiences actually look for in their characters.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @365autorifle8
    It's simple. People cried and were respectfully silent when Tony Stark died. When Captain Marvel was punched, people cheered. That simple.
  • "You know what audiences want?" "Purple haired admirals in evening gowns breaking the rules of the previous cinematic world building by doing idiotic things?" "Exactly."
  • @p.bamygdala2139
    Flawed = relatable Suffering = empathic Wanting = intriguing Taking action = engaging Struggling = bonding Overcoming = empowering Growing / improving = satisfying Winning = rewarding
  • @aparz617
    People like good characters? Sounds like a patriarchal micro-aggression.
  • It's almost as if we judge people and characters on their personality and morals rather than who they sleep with
  • @trutwijd
    "People bonded with Luke because fundamentally he was a well written character played by a good actor..." This. Right. Here.
  • @user-gb7ji6xy5d
    I am not white nor male and yet I feel for Luke Skywalker. I can empathize with him. I don't want him to lose. I want him triumphant. Meanwhile I don't give a damn about Rey, Shrek Tico, Vice Admiral Gender Studies or Captain Sociopathy. They can all die horribly and I wouldn't feel the slightest.
  • @Nexuish
    The “boy scout” protagonist is often made more interesting when the world is not only constantly beating against their moral foundation, but also when the choice of doing the right thing costs them. It allows the audience to connect with them when get to see how much the hero must sacrifice of themselves to do what is right. A quippy character may be more fun minute to minute on screen, but a well written, upright character can rise to tell a story that’s overall more impactful. A character’s selling point should never ever ever EVER be their race, sex, or who they like to sleep with. That’s a billboard sign of a weak, shallow character.
  • @Togotzi
    Luke would have never given up on his nephew. Its as simple as that. I remember watching it and just shaking my head because it didn't make any sense
  • @kylemerkley2548
    Mark Hamill cares so much for the character of Luke Skywalker. You can tell it's not just because he played him, he cares about the importance/impact the character has on our culture.
  • @elnurgling
    Classic Luke: successfully reasons with a mass-murdering evil cyborg wizard because he believes there's still some humanity left inside the monster. Woke Luke: goes to live on a remote island and drink green milk straight from the alien boob because he failed to murder his sleeping teenage nephew who was having some angsty thoughts. There's no need to decanonise shitty sequels when they are clearly not part of the original canon to begin with.
  • @davegrenier1160
    "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding." Upton Sinclair
  • @atomicdancer
    "But by the final film, he's learned to temper his power with wisdom, compassion and restraint." That is so true! Return of the Jedi is the final Star Wars film
  • @jameshills7425
    You forgot to mention it is also important how the characters interact and relate to each other, like Luke, Han and Leia. The way the three relate to each other and grow together is important. Luke and Leia feel a bond, but romance is awkward for reasons we discover. Luke and Han develop a deep camaraderie though they are very different. Each of the three will genuinely sacrifice everyting for the others and learn to trust each other at a deep level.
  • @John_Smith76
    Star Wars TLJ receives backslash Rian Johnson: Enough! I am a god you dull creature. And I will bot be bullied by... Smashing the Fandom: puny god
  • @braxxian
    Luke spent most of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back getting his ass handed to him. The Tusken Raiders kick his ass, the guy in the cantina kicks his ass, the garbage compactor monster kicks has ass and Han has to save him from Darth Vader kicking his ass in the Death Star trench. In Empire the Wompa kicks his ass, Yoda kicks his ass, and Darth Vader kicks his ass, again. Compare that to Rey who endlessly......wins.....every.....single.....time...........yawn
  • @deathpyre42
    It's sorta funny that Tony Stark is sort of the anti-Rey Kennedy. (Yes she's a "skywalker," but whatever) Rey's meant to be everything the target audience is supposed to love, a preachy overpowered strong woman. Tony Stark on the other hand was meant to be everything the target audience would hate. A drunken egotistical arms dealer is the exact sort of thing audiences would use as a stock villain in those days. Funny how good writing can take something to new heights, innit?
  • @Vaillle
    I LOVE that you touched on how people may not be able to articulate why something is good or bad but knows it when they see it, almost like an instinct. They aren’t stupid or missing the important “theme” or whatever the excuse is. You don’t assume your audience is stupid and I appreciate and respect that so much! Thank you!