The Most INSANE Man In XianZhou History

Publicado 2023-10-01

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @_Wei
    Disclaimer: This is only a speculation/theory, not an actual lore recap
  • @Mifidiwi
    Bro unironically and casually explained chemistry, biology and the lore of HSR in just 10 mins, actual Gigachad
  • @ayshutsu
    Dottore and Dan Feng should be real buddies 🗣
  • @GLoLChibs
    Baizhu is probably the least crazy but he still fits the bill: - Makes zombies - Goes out in the mountains to brew cold medicine - Infects himself - Always looking for friends to test his medicines on - Chasing immortality - Sits smiling whenever he's been discovered to have just handed out ass whoopings - Watches as random people run all over Liyue looking for cocogoat milk - 3 million Mora for incense He is a brand of crazy and I love him for it.
  • @beergin08
    Ngl, I expected a shitpost, instead I got a full documentary.
  • @sayansaha155
    Did you really expect Hoyoverse doctors to be sane? Really?
  • God! Ur blade explanation is crazy! It's evenmore tur when you realize blade's chest had bandages all over it, you ccan literally see them up front or evenfrom a bottom camera angle sheesh💀
  • @neanahidden
    Very scientific for lore speculations :) Little detail. Bailu does have dreams. The written reports are not correct because she has kept them a secret from her maid/guardian/spy. She tells us this herself during Dan Heng quest. Also when you talk to her in train she tells about her different dreams.
  • @Aizen2468
    This is great stuff! Theres just one part left out for Blade. Shuhu. Its heavily theorized that Blade actually has either a piece of, or the ENTIRETY of Shuhu sealed within him. Which is the cause of the red eyes and his insane abilities. He basically has one of the most horrific Abundance monstrosities either sealed inside of him, or in some kind of pact with him. This is expanded on in Blade's movelist, which openly lists his attacks as having the power of Shuhu. Additionally, its stated in the lore that Dan Feng and Blade had an encounter with Shuhu...but it never says what came of it. Only that Shuhu was "defeated."
  • @IshimurA99
    The storylines of each character in each of their games must be said to be extremely interesting and in-depth, although there are still some unreasonable points among them, but at least that's okay.
  • @MM-hi6gd
    I thought he mixed Baiheng's and his DNA to help Yingxing who was about to die, not bring back Baiheng. He was speaking to YX in one of his character stories, 4 or 5, about how if he had a chance, he WOULD want baiheng and their comrades to live, as an argument to yingxing who was denying his help saying that others gave their life for this cause and he is willing to as well. But dan feng could not lose anyone else.
  • @devilofgreed760
    She does dream, just doesn’t share those memories. Also I think his goal also has something to do with the Path of Permanence and breaking free from the cycle of rebirth.
  • @AnaPaula-kt1oi
    Dan feng couldn't accept Bai heng's death, he was WRONG doing those things and deserved a punishment. Yingxing suffered a lot after losing his humanity (tortured by jingliu, losing his sanity to mara and being wanted), immortality is pain to mind and soul, I pity him not dan feng. 😢
  • For hoyo’s games you need: Puppets Clones Lore And Some mad doctor Well Natasha doesn’t really count as a mad doctor since she actually helps people
  • @cuberkai
    If Dan feng was in-game, He would be so broken lol
  • @TadanoCandy
    As a scientist, I find these fictional experiments that scrape the surface of real science fascinating. As such, I’ve taken a little time to write up my thoughts about how close it is to real science and how it could’ve been even closer to it. Kinda long, and I’m not a stem cell specialist (Idt I went into the realm that is out of my scope, but I can be wrong), so read with that in mind, Ty. Stem cells come in different forms and are stored in small quantities around the body, but the biggest source of them is in the bone marrow. These cells aren’t able to create any kind of cell- they can only create the subset that they’re programmed to replace (for example, a blood stem cell can only be converted into blood cells). However, there are certain genes that if we manage to activate, we can revert these limited stem cells to the type that can make almost any cell. A stem cell like that is called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Still, it’s not completely able to form every cell like a fertilized egg can, but I think it’s possible to further revert an iPSC into an egg-like cell, although we in the science community cannot do research like that because it’s unethical (ig you’d get on the nerves of people who consider a fertilized egg a human). Dan Feng, having a twisted moral compass, prolly wouldn’t have had any qualms in going all the way into this kind of forbidden research. He might’ve been able to use magic to create an egg cell that contains his fox friend’s DNA and his own (I’m assuming he did this because the small sample of cells may have had incomplete DNA (shredded due to the explosion) (note: this isn’t possible to do in the lab, but Dan Feng can do magic)). This could’ve become Bailu. As for healing pre-Blade, injecting bone marrow stem cells (or any cell) from a donor that isn’t a compatible match would cause a rejection as mentioned in this video. Changing the heart of the recipient would not help in real life, however, because the rejection happens because immune cells detect the foreign cells, and they have nothing to do with the heart. The immune cells are produced in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus, where they are selected to find all sorts of foreign labels, but not react to the host cells (when this process fails, people develop autoimmune disorders). So a better way to fix the issue would’ve been to kill all the white blood cells and bone marrow cells in pre-Blade’s body (this is what is different from a regular transfer, since we can’t selectively kill white blood cells without harming other non-dividing cells, but again, magic prolly can), then do a bone marrow transfer and keep pre-Blade in a sterile environment until he recovers the white blood cells that are now Vidyahara cells. It’s known that replacing the bone marrow of an old organism with that of a young one turns the old organism to have more young characteristics, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Vidyahara cells gave Blade semi-immortality.
  • @hynankublai2013
    He used his and Baiheng's DNA to create a new life, in other words he tried to make his own baby. Edit: From Jingliu's character story, Dan Feng used his own DNA and the soul of his ancestor to create the abomination, so it is confirmed that it's basically his child.
  • @rashomon_effect
    In HoYoverse there are sane but also insane doctors and researchers. The two different principles (good & evil) differ in the price the research minds would be willing to pay. Are they more like Prometheus, a humanitarian who wants to bring the fire of the gods to mortals, or are they just interested in striving for their own immortality and every end justifies the means?
  • @aki_7778
    I was so confused after the recent quest and I found this vid who was published way earlier and yet made everything clearer