Hope for a Happy Place (whispery folk punk song)

Apologies in advance
Recorded and sung on the fly
after not liking songs I was trying to sing
laughing at myself for recording in 100 degree weather
(Sarcasm is the quickest and quintessential method
to make up words without trying and it’s the punk way hehe)

Thanks for listening!

(L y r i c s:
Happy place
Drink my blood
Happy place
Drink my blood

Happy Life
Lick my flood
Happy Time
Tick my crud

And make it go
Whoa ha ho
And with flow—Oh!
Ha ha ho
And with it rain
Wha ha ho
And with it pain
Ha ha how and ?

Happy Place
Beat my goat
Kick in time
And rake it all behind

Happy trail
To your crotch
Stab your eyes
And melt your thoughts
Tick and rave
And watch your bomb
Moan and trade your heart
For hippity hops)

コメント (3)
  • Disney animation used to layer backgrounds to create depth but it looks wild and kaleidoscopic when you do it with all video footage hehe
  • I love trees and air and being outside even if I’m being momentarily eaten alive by bugs