Energy Investments Dialogue | Bill Gates | Global Energy Forum

Declining prices for devices to generate and store renewable energy are great, but not nearly enough to save the world from climate change, according to Bill Gates.

Gates talked about overly optimistic thinking, natural gas, a carbon tax and the responsibilities of developing economies vs. developed economies. He was hopeful, however, that the power of research and innovation could meet rising energy demand globally while addressing climate change and other environmental challenges.

News article from the Precourt Institute here:…

コメント (21)
  • Bill Gates is not an ideologue. He approaches an issue from a science based analytical angle. His ultimate aim is to better the lives of all human beings not to subscribe to some irrational ideology or fantasy.
  • Ya know several famous Frontiersmen back in the 1800's made the observation that you could see buffalo from horizon to horizon in the western parts of the US, and yet it didn't seem to be a polution problem.
  • Inspirational stuff. Kudos to Stanford for putting this out there for everyone.
  • According to the head of the IEA the real problem is the thousands of coal fired electricity plants being built in Asia. We should focus on helping them use more efficient carbon capture for the plants.
  • Watching the thumbnail here, looks like Jimmy Saville sitting on his chair the same how Jimmy Saville sits on his chair on Jim'll Fix It 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • @adamd3820
    How in the hell did Bill democratized computing ?
  • The question Bill Gates needs to be asked before dispensing his advice on energy, climate, etc., is: What is $ value of damage inflicted on the world by computer viruses enabled by Windows OS over several decades?
  • Gates makes so much sense in some areas but plants actually breath cow farts. So its not emissions. Some he is a good speaker and very intelligent he skips over truths to promote his goals. He's selling it but IMO he skips to sell the other projects he wants to invest in and develop
  • Could you invite someone that is actually a specialist? His knowledge on various issues energy-related are well below par.
  • Gates talking about Nuclear power, doesn't compare it to renewable. Talks about creating a perfect system but yet we still have IT departments to solve his basic core business issues. If a wind turbine fails does it cause a nuclear catastrophy?
  • Great interview 🎉, and so informative for the Smart people
  • Does Michel Morle watched this video, before making a Documentry film "The Planet of Human"?
  • Really admire his passion and his being so down-to-earth and practial!!
  • "the climate is easy to solve group is our biggest problem" ... Spot on !
  • Give supply water to the community can reduce global warming it's because they can plant more and grow agriculture.
  • Thorium Salt breeder that is driven by a particle accelerator.: Just a stainless steel vessel for thorium chloride, A particle accelerator hits a target to make neutrons to breed thorium with a neutron slowing salt moderator. It is down at low pressure for operation. I don't know if Protactinium-233 would make enough heat to keep the molten salt hot and run a small 1MW carbon dioxide cycle generator. But if so it could be a breeder that makes energy from breeding thorium rather than consuming U233 witch could be used in other MSR burners. But that may be a pipe dream. But why didn't Bill Gates invest in focus fusion when he had the chance.