What Harris and Trump Have in Common: Targeting China | The China Report

Biden is out, Kamala Harris is in. Meanwhile, JD Vance is Trump’s new VP pick. In this week’s episode, Amanda and KJ discuss what these two events mean for the future of U.S.-China relations in the next four years. Would Harris continue Biden’s New Cold War? Who are the China hawks likely to determine policy under another Trump administration? Whatever happens in November, war with China is an issue where Republicans and Democrats remain united.

Our understanding of China — and U.S.-China relations — has become a defining feature of all global politics. The China Report is a new show produced in collaboration with Pivot to Peace where every week, journalist Amanda Yee and political analyst KJ Noh will be helping you through all the propaganda with an independent view of the country we are taught to hate, but know so little about.


コメント (21)
  • Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness...
  • @Sabundy
    It doesn't matter if its Republicans or Democrats. The US foreign policy will remain the same. To prevent the rise of any peer or near peer nation that can pose a threat to US global hegemony.
  • seeing a kamala ad before this "talking about protecting our democracy" is pure irony 😂
  • China has the greatest manufacturing capacity. US has the greatest clown production capacity and the greatest national debt.
  • @SapphicTwist
    I just don't take Trump's MAGA rhetoric seriously. Once he gets into Washington, DC, he will fall in line with the anti-China policy, unfortunately.
  • @thisiskevin1000
    Green Party USA’s Jill Stein is what we need. About time to give lesser known parties a chance to air their views and sides. No wonder Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University openly endorses her with her pro-peace, anti-war foreign policy agenda.
  • @WalkingSideways
    Gou defrauds US citizens of $1billion, spends it on mansions, yachts, chandeliers and Lamborghinis, and calls it a 'critique of the CPC'. 😂
  • @josiehudson4143
    been looking for news outlet like this. great work. keep going.
  • @Monkey341
    Not releasing prisoners who had completed their prison sentences? Just to continue using them as prison labor? That' so sick and inhumane. And the US is talking about freedom and human rights? Bah!
  • WOW!! what a brilliant programme, excellent werk, look 4wrd to ur next one.
  • Im so glad this new segment has arrived!!! I love learning about China from an independent perspective. Chinese history is deeply inspiring, refuting much of the demonization we hear, and we have much to learn from China’s development.