Bright and Early PT at Fort Jackson

Take a look inside basic combat training at Fort Jackson. If you have questions, reach out to us:

コメント (21)
  • This video brings back memories. I remember lying there on the grass in January, freezing my ass off, wondering what in the hell I got myself into. By the end of PT, the sun was rising, and the clouds lit up in the most beautiful pink color I've ever seen. Seeing that made my first week of basic a little more bearable.
  • The only thing i thought about during morning pt was breakfast.
  • Great advices: 1.) avoid creating unwanted attention. 2.) observe everything around. 3.) be a team player. 4.) Don't quit / Never give up.
  • My first time ever doing PT at Fort Jackson, I was worried. I wanted to quit. I wanted to get home as soon as I fucking could. But, at the end, we had to do this stretch where we were allowed to lay our heads down. And as I looked up, I saw the most beautiful sky I had ever seen. It made me wanna stay a little longer. I did that every day, and because of it, I graduated.
  • hearing my partner encourage me while doing sit ups would honestly help a lot.
  • Watching all these people get fit and healthy while I’m laying in bed at 3am vaping and eating chips
  • My oldest son will be graduating in July so proud of him and every single person who has served in the military 👏🏻🇺🇸
  • Hardest part of BCT is living with all those different personalities
  • It’s so helpful to have videos like these. I ship out to Ft. Jackson in a week, and it’s nice to see what all I’m in for. And it helps my family to see what I’ll be doing as well
  • Army PT for me was almost too easy, other than run day. However, it was a whole new world when I got to AIT. I remember hearing that AIT was like vacation compared to basic but was the complete opposite for me. We ran so much more and the physical training was much more extensive. Then all the schooling afterwards. Recently I have really been reminiscing basic training, and want to go back. It’s such a love hate relationship.
  • One thing to always remember, (and I Hope it helps me when I go) is that these DS are humans with a job. They're not REALLY mad at you even though they seem like it, and at the end they'll turn back into humans again. At least they did for my brothers Graduation
  • I started basic training at Ft Jackson in July of ‘85…. Man, have things changed. I’m guessing policies and tactics has changed also. These instructors are pretty nice, calm, and soft spoken… That didn’t happen until the last two weeks when I was in. I remember us covering for our drill sergeants that would show up late or drunk!! We would still be outside and going through pt without him or until he showed up. First lesson learned is that if one gets in trouble, we all pay the penalty. That made working together much easier.
  • I can't even understand what they are saying lol I'm totally screwed Edit.. I made it through basic training
  • To those soldiers helping their battle buddies my respect and honor to you.
  • When this video was posted I had just graduated basic from fort Jackson. Gave me chills! Haha November 9th 2017. Delta company 1-34.
  • I know this is an old video, but I ship out in just a couple weeks and this has honestly given me a lot of peace of mind about what pt will be like.
  • Am I the only one who heard "yous the best, drill sergeant, yous the best"? Lol
  • I ship off here in about 3 weeks I’m scared asf😂
  • I like the push ups & the sit ups. And the spotter encouraging you to push on. That's how you get that comradie that is so important out there in the battle.