Persona 5 White Rider Crit Gun build (montage?)

Publicado 2017-06-27
I got bored and made a Gun build of White Rider. ran One-Shot Kill instead of Triple Down because why not? Also, its attack animation looks more appropriate for the attack in question, and boom! you got my inspiration for One Shot Kill gun build White Rider. Victory Cry is just an extra bonus for random encounter use, and Arms Master helped with the cost just in case of really bad luck with enemies and requiring more attacks to clear out.

Also, casual run through Sae's palace; kept the story stuff out as best I could, just focused on the battles to show the build in action (I get the amount of crits shown will bore you, but it's been very consistent). Hopefully Atlus don't get angry. I'm still (hopefully) within streaming/video guidelines.

One Shot Kill (high crit rate; estimating 60%?)
Snipe (25% gun damage boost)
Cripple (50% gun damage boost)
Apt Pupil (boosts crit rate overall; guessing around 30-50% boost?)
Drain Ice (covers the weakness)
Repel Physical (because I can)
Arms Master (halves HP cost of physical skills)
Victory Cry (restore all HP/SP after winning a fight)

Notes: Trigger Happy would in theory be very ideal for this, but its crit boost for guns is almost negligible (maybe 10-15%?); borderline useless for One Shot Kill with Apt Pupil. You COULD run Trigger Happy with Apt Pupil on Riot Gun variant of this build and replace Repel Physical, but it's not worth it to me.

Todos los comentarios (3)
  • Hey where or how do you get white rider I'm new to the game and want to do a gun build
  • @uknlogic2924
    I know this a SUPER late reply reply. But apt pupil does not work for gun skills for some reason