Israel vs Yemen: Israeli jets strike Hodeidah port; Netanyahu delivers 'simple message' to Houthis

Israeli warplanes struck military targets at the Houthi-controlled Yemeni port of Hodeidah on July 20, the Israeli army said. The strikes came a day after a drone launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi group hit Israel's economic hub, Tel Aviv. Three people were killed and 87 wounded in the Israeli airstrikes, Houthi rebels-run health ministry said. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned, "Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price." IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari said the port had been used by the Houthis to receive weapons shipments from Iran. He said the targets, more than 1,700 km (1,056 miles) from Israel, included dual-use sites such as energy infrastructure. Retaliatory Houthis, on July 21, said that they targeted Israel's resort city of Eilat with multiple ballistic missiles. Confirming the Houthi attack, Israel said its air defences intercepted a surface-to-surface missile fired from Yemen.

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コメント (15)
  • @Rehan-dt6br
    'When there is a fight in the house, two brothers fight with each other, but when an outsider enters, these two brothers unite to kill the outsider, so why did Yemen not unite to kill Israel? By Allah, if they attacked, Yemen should have supported and defended their country
  • @zak-zr1xn
    Israel got the return latest news this is very old 😂😂
  • this is a major topic and it has a lot to do with the assassination of Raisi and his F.M, the helicopter crash was not spontaneous! after the Israeli retaliatory strike on Iran, Raisi decided to distance himself from terror proxy web, change tune, adopt a descalation stance, silence the ring of fire Yemen-Gaza-Iraq-Syria- Lebanon! this was the main reason supreme leader Khamenei did not appreciate such peaceful policy making, it was disappointing to him and he decided to get rid of Raisi in secrecy for adopting a weak stance, bring a new pizzaboy who won't change a single alphabet in the "holy theatric script" provided by supreme leader, a yes man to play a reformist and friends with everybody on world's stage but carries a susp-icious bag to lead a major war in the middle east! do the math!
  • @jhare18
    It’s sending spine trembling sensation towards i ran now.
  • God blessed Israel. God said I am God of Israel. God said do not afraid Israel I am with you. God of Israel said I will give you iron horn which they can not be broken. God of Israel is with Israel because he full filled his oath what he promised to Israel, I will bring my peoples back to their own land which was promised by the God of Israel. Be careful before you attack the Israel or put the finger on Israel you would be no any more. My Advice to think twice before you say something about Israel because time and God of Israel with Israel. God bless Israel and the peoples of Israel. They are the chosen people of God and they will always. God bless Israel. Ymm
  • @Kokov86
    Biarin aja biarin mampus 😢