Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Zomboss Down Trailer

Published 2014-04-15
Take your battle to the wild west with the new Zomboss Down downloadable Game Pack -- available starting today, April 15, for FREE!

The plants just blasted down the Zomboss blimp! The zombies are now roaming the desert and battling their way to a local golf course, which may just be a secret facility housing a Cactus army. It can all be found in the free Zomboss Down downloadable game pack, featuring the new Cactus Canyon Gardens & Graveyards Map, 8 new playable characters, over 200 wild customization items, an increased Level cap for each character, and all-new challenges to accomplish. Available for both Xbox One and Xbox 360.

ESRB : E 10+
Animated Blood
Crude Humor
Fantasy Violence

All Comments (21)
  • @coyote689
    That was the most epic Breaking Bad reference ever
  • @deathxwish_
    Now 4 years later I understand the breaking bad reference
  • @lolkialos
    Thank You GW for all the memories and the good times.
  • @Z-Rock
    This was my favorite game series. It is so sad to see EA give up on the franchise.
  • It's amazing that even after all these years, they never listed this video as made for kids. (Really goes to show how much popcap truly cares about their fans.)
  • @TheGamerAtticus
    If EA did more stuff like this to other games, I’d give them much more respect.
  • @DylanoRevs
    1:14 I still like that part where the zombies rose from the rubble, ready to fight the plants
  • @mikashi_kahsmi
    This could've actually been a real animated short film..
  • @kruatheshow.
    When Zomboss had created his heavy duty blimp for carrying precious goods, he decided that using zombies heroes wasn’t enough. Shortly after, he created four brand new zombie hero types specially made for attending the blimp, whom would be later used after the blimp stopped use. The sky trooper was a foot soldier trained with great aerial expertise, assigned with the role of piloting the blimp. The archaeologist was a scientist who was fascinated and taught all about valuable gems and minerals, thus giving him the role of keeping track of all valuable goods stored on the blimp. The landscaper was a dangerously trained engineer who was taught to know all about plants and how to maintain them, giving him the fittingly dangerous assignment of keeping track of the dangerous plant goods on the blimp, including the four special ops plants who were recently captured and planned to take to Zomboss’s facility for interrogation. And the wrestling star was an all-star, personally trained by Dr. Zomboss to know all about wrestling moves such as piledrivers, suplexes, and showing off to crowds. He was given the most important job of all the zombies on Zomboss’s blimp… keeping the imps entertained so they don’t break anything. With these jobs in mind, the special blimp zombies had successfully taken off from the Z-Tech factory and were making their way towards Zomboss’s Plant Interrogation Facility (which has never had a success in objective). It had been about 4 hours of flying. Wrestling star was getting worn out from all of the wrestling moves and almost every one of his tackle dummies were destroyed from entertainment for the imps. Landscaper’s arms kept getting eaten by chompers which caused him to repeatedly have to go to the zombie healing station, and archaeologist had been knocked fast asleep while staring in awe at all of the shiny treasures that lie among the walls of the blimp. What about the pilot, sky trooper? Well, he was doing just fine. He had some great energy in him, for he knew that he must not let this blimp go down. Shortly after, he realized that there was an instruction pamphlet under the steering controller which he never read, so he decided to use it because he might be missing something. After checking it thoroughly, he found that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way he was flying before reading the pamphlet. But then it hit him: one of the controls on the instructions read, “press B to explode.” “Brainz Brainz brainy brain?” ‘Why would I need to press B?’ he wondered to himself. Just as wrestling star was about to get an energy-filled refreshment from the sludgy machine, the alarm went off. One of the special ops plants had escaped their cages, and was currently freeing their leafy comrades! In response to this, sky trooper had turned on the autopilot for the blimp and rushed out to the main space to find there was nothing. When he looked up however, sitting there was a Spikeweed which promptly grabbed him and threw him to the back of the room, furthering him away from the blimp controls. There was a noise. A creaky, metal grinding sound approached sky trooper from behind. Armor Chomper. Just as he was about to go in for a bite, landscaper tossed a sonic Grenade at the chomper’s face. “Brains! Brainz brain brains Brainz!” (Run! go get the others!) in response to this, sky trooper runs off to warn archaeologist, who was still sleeping. “BRAINZ!!” Startled, archaeologist quickly wakes up and pretends he was on duty. “Brains brain Brainz braining Brainz! Brain Brainy Brainz Brain!” (We don’t have time for messing around! Landscaper is in trouble and I can’t find wrestling star!) To fix this, archaeologist starts to rustle through the treasures. Puzzled, sky trooper asks him why he is doing this and archaeologist tells him that he knows that wrestling star borrowed a gold-plated walkie-talkie from the treasures because he needed an object similar to a champion wrestling belt. After about 2 minutes, archaeologist finally finds the matching object and calls wrestling star, who is still deciding which sludgy drink to get. After hearing about the news, he quickly picks decay flavor and rushes toward the main space of the blimp, while also devouring his beverage like a steaming hot plate full of brains. Full of energy, he goes crashing through two consecutive doors, dragging sky trooper and archaeologist along with him and sending a law pea flying because he was standing on the entrance door and didn’t expect that to happen. Being at low health, he flees to the cabin, leaving the landscaper he was planning to vanquish. “Brains! Brain brainy Brainz brain brain Brainz. Brains brain!” (Guys! I was a few minutes away from becoming plant food. I owe you one!) “Brain brain brains brain Brainz! Brainy braining brain Brainz!” (But enough of that! I heard those plants’ plans, and they plan to crash the blimp!) surprised by this, the team rush for the cabin door, when the blimp suddenly tilts upwards and they fall to the back of the room. They see the plants attempting to figure out how to fly the blimp. Sky trooper remembers the instruction pamphlet. If they figure out that they have to press B to explode, the whole blimp will go down! Thinking about this, sky trooper swiftly jumps up with his rocket pack and grabs onto the cabin door, and he climbs into the cockpit. There are potato mines all over the blimp controller. There are no plants in the room, and out the window, sky trooper notices the special ops plants all hanging on to the law pea who was somehow gliding down to the ground safely by riding on a sombrero beam bomb. Disregarding this, sky trooper uses his rocket pack again and lands on top of the control pad. Since the controls are now at an awkward angle, he bends down. 3… 2… 1. A ZPG flies out from his rocket pack and SPUDOW!!! Sky trooper is sent flying all over the room while tons of spuddy shrapnel hit the controller, and it just so happens that one of them hit B. DOOM!! The blimp explodes and starts crashing down at a staggering rate. All of the zombies land, hearts full of shame and regret as they anticipate the great earful that they imagine they will get from Zomboss. Zomboss contacts the blimp. Regretfully, the zombies play the announcement and listen. “BRAINZ! It seems as though the place that you have crash-landed is a housing facility for Crazy Dave’s secret plant-based weapons, and this must be the place where the zombie spies witnessed the creation of a tactical cucumber-like nuclear bomb before they were captured! Too bad those fools couldn’t figure out where this was beforehand… never mind that! I need you all to investigate this area immediately! Start by capturing that garden. Zombies… ATTACK!!”