Mental Health: Should you get a diagnosis?

Published 2018-07-11
Hey guys, sorry for the delay with uploading content. I have had problems with my laptop and had to get it repaired and stuff. Anyway this video is about my opinion in regards to asking for a diagnosis. Some people don't think about asking as they think they know what they have or don't ask because they're afraid of what answer they might get. Enjoy the video.

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All Comments (6)
  • @beccamay3594
    It can also happen that you don't want to ask for a diagnosis because you're afriad that they might say that it's probably nothing to worry about but you've still been feeling like shit for years :/ that makes you feel even worse because they shove your suffering away like it never even happened
  • @zoemoore2642
    I'm not diagnosed because before this year I was too young to go without my mum and I don't want her knowing how bad I really am. She doesn't know the full extent of it. I know what I have, I've done my research into symptoms and I know that I'm right. I've experienced all the things associated with my disorders and before I knew about that disorder j thought it was part of my personality but it was my disorder/disorders
  • @ThisIsAnneleen
    2 things that came to my mind while watching this video. The "worst" thing for me would be if they said there is nothing wrong with you. Weirdly enough. If you struggle most of your life, you prefer them to tell you WHAT it is that makes you seem to struggle more than the average person. So getting a diagnose and being able to NAME the thing, would be scary, but most of all kind of a relieve. Because, like you said, you can only get the right help, if you know what you are dealing with. And my second fear.. hm.. I forgot ;-) Ow yes, it's back. I'd never know "what to answer" if they are diagnosing, because, every day, every minute, I feel different. So if they ask me: how do you feel about this or that, I would say: well, it depends, if you asked me yesterday or last week or today or tomorrow. So I am scared my diagnose would be all wrong or just super influenced by how I feel in that specific moment. What is your opinion about that? (I used to have a therapist who didn't want to call it "depression", because that would make it a self fulfilling prophecy, but... how can you treat it if you don't want to call it by its name, it was very confusing to me and made me feel like she wasn't taking my suffering serieus). I am also looking for ways to talk about mental health in my videos, but I never know where to draw the line of sharing personal stuff, of sharing extreme panick attacks in real life or not. That's it. Thanks for your video, I'm happy I found a place tonight to type all of this ;-) Take care.
  • @kreep182
    You have gotten alot better with your videos. I agree with everything you said. Hearing my suspitions confirmed actually was scary.
  • @jolijndc7140
    Great video Scott, they always seem to come at the right time in my life. And you look and sound very good, great to see you're doing well! X