Gen Z Brat Throws Insane Tantrum During Arrest..

Publicado 2023-09-08

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MichaeLPPL
    As a gen z individual, I am embarrassed people like this exist in our generation
  • @dr.manhattan4537
    She's not mentally ill. She's acting. She is the epitome of never being told NO.
  • @rebelwalzt
    She's so used to getting her way, she's just doing what she always does.
  • @woodlandbiker
    Shell be claiming post traumatic stress disorder after this. Theres no way she'll walk away from this episode without taking full advantage of the victimhood she can perceive from this.
  • @KryptoKnightmare
    "These cuffs are hurting my wrist and I don't like pain" proceeds to smash own skull numerous times Brilliant.
  • @LordSabbathiel
    She basically is the direct cause of her own arrest, with EVERY action she took.
  • @calvinthebold99
    That cop is a f**king saint. What a nice guy. So much empathy for this non-functional person. Maybe he's just thankful no one in his family is like this.
  • @asdfasdfasdf4746
    And thats why these people NEVER learn. All the charges were dropped or lowered . I'd stick her ass in jail for at least 1 year for that behavior.
  • @Eszti2000
    Her behavior reminds me a lot of people on TikTok who tried to fake mental illnesses for sympathy and attention
  • @Anonymous-x1x
    All the demands she's putting on the cops is to assert control over the situation because she lacks control over her own behavior and emotions.
  • @seanevertts2735
    The most catastrophic thing you can say to a narcissist is NO.
  • How is it that suspected drunk driver was behaving better than the passenger?!
  • @alex_tucker
    I don't think I've ever seen a "resisting arrest" video where the cops were so unconcerned about the level of resistance. It's like when a toddler tries to tackle you by hugging your leg.
  • @stephs5530
    He said it perfectly, this girl was raised and educated by social media. It's really sad how the internet has ruined an entire generation
  • @CaptBongo
    This is what happens when a child is never told NO. The future of the world is in trouble.
  • @finchfrance
    Now she'll be able to add PTSD to her list of excuses as to why she fails at life.
  • @spicysauce6533
    I hate to say this, but hearing her tell the officer to stand further away from her and such kind of gives me a "when setting boundaries backfires" vibe. I am convinced that Gen Z thinks mental illness is some magic word, and the word "boundary" is like some invincible armor. None of that shit means anything when you are in handcuffs.
  • @jagajakMK
    Wow, just wow, the policeman was such a chill and lovely dude, it's incredible to see him having this much of pacience, and care for the girl even though she acted awful, good job officer
  • @itkovian11
    People like this give the rest of us with mental issues a bad image. I'm a 100% disabled veteran, which heavily includes mental health issues and this shit irritates me so much. Makes it hard for those of us trying to get help to be taken seriously. Just because you're mentally unstable doesn't mean you have to be incredibly entitled and delusional, though obviously for some that is the case. I do feel sorry for her, but damn, maybe this will be the wake up call she needs.
  • This is what happens when you allow spoiled kids to get away with all their garbage. They want to believe that they have total control by acting out and trying to intimidate authority figures. If I ever saw a video of my child acting like this I would have a thing or two to teach them.