Overcoming Your Evil Nature | A Character Analysis on Sweet P Adventure Time

Published 2023-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • @mrnuke999
    The best thing about the far future epilogue is that Sweet Pea exists because The Lich possessed Billy, and in the end Sweet Pea became the new Billy.
  • @jasmine1432
    fr I didn't really like mr pig and treetrunks, but they really ARE the role model of parents. Salute to them.
  • @archierm
    I'd like to believe that all versions of Lich hands that fell to every timeline were slain by various versions of Sweet P in all of those universes. P.S. Joshua and Margaret were pretty good parents too.
  • Another great case of Nature vs Nurture in Adventure Time is Shoko, the previous incarnation of Finn, who up till becoming friends with Bubblegum could be considered a "bad" person through her actions and such despite being a reincarnation of a Cataylst Comet which was the literal embodiment of Good (Nature). Her life was So S**t so consistently, like her parents selling her arm for a computer (Nurture), it subplanted her nature of Good which admitedly quickly rose to the surface after her first friend but that also just goes to show Just How Terrible her life had been up till that point.
  • @hunter5822
    0:45 I loved how they incorporated a high level dnd spell like command word. Literally uttering the word “death” and those you’ve directed it at just fall dead. “Fall” and they’ll let go if they’re hanging or just drop to the ground. “Sleep” and they’ll instantly fall into an eternal slumber. “Live” and a person on deaths door will instantly heal…. Same as “heal”. “Kill” and they’ll just start killing unceasingly.
  • Sweet p is probably the coolest character in adventure time, in my opinion
  • given that the guardian blood heals and keeps you young, that'd mean sweet p was likely whoever owned the body the lich possessed the first time
  • I think something that is important to remember isn't by definition evil... technically he is instead the manifestation of death and doom. In this, I wonder if we could say that sweet P relationship with the Lich is somewhat about optimistic/existenial nihilism versus pessimistic nihilism and how it relates to our relationship with death. Sweet P in many ways resembling the experince of life even if he is the manifestation of death
  • @MikeDaddyMCS
    One cool detail is that Sweet P has the sword made by Peppermint Butler meaning that Sweet P probably specializes in dealing with evil spirits and curses
  • Honestly, the scene with sweet p turning into lich is very interesting to me because I’m always constantly wondering. Why did the lich do that? Specially in that moment when he can do it any time he wants to, a few theories about it 1. Sweet p being scared and feeling weak so much to the point the lich decides to take over, but it kind of doesn’t make sense like why didn’t he destroy the king of ooo and there has been a few times sweet p has been scared 2. Sweet p wanted to be evil at that moment sometimes people that are good can be evil depending on the situation and sweet p being evil in that moment, or wanting to them to go away so the lich decides to come out and talk to them maybe before killing them, but sweet p realise how wrong it was to be evil and decides to put the witch back inside animal 3. My favourite possibility, the lich actually cares about sweet p and wanted to show the king of ooo that he’s not different from the lich and he’s a monster for taking advantage of a child that is very sweet and cares too much
  • I think that Sweet P’s arch is in a way about realizing that you don’t have to be exactly like your parents and don’t have to go about your life taking on the legacy that they may have set out for you to follow, it’s about being your self and being able to be a better person than those before you. Sweet P is much like an adopted child who had not so great birth parents (I am not in any way saying that all adopted children do, I am saying his story is much like an ab*sed or neglected child that has been adopted by a loving family) he has the most loving and lovely adoptive parents and wants to stop his cycle of evil and be his own and better person than his father/parent. This also proves that he’s not only made out of his father’s evil but also the Citadel Guardian’s healing powers from its blood.
  • @realgirl888
    the lich symbolizing the collective human shadow makes sense when his origin was literally nuclear war as well
  • Why are great creator's suddenly appearing and you are one of them you deserve more than this this is so good
  • @izzyme989
    Sweet P falling is still my number 1 favorite Adventure Time moment 100%
  • @oblivious4318
    I like to imagine sweet p dying near his loved ones in peace from presumably age. Then the moment someone starts to cry “hey holdon what the fucks happening to his skeleto-“
  • @Chiken1
    I absolutely love how quick and concise this video essay was. The tie in of jungian psychology at the end really helped drive home the complexity of Sweet P’s character, and helped me relate the message of the video to the outside world.
  • That quote from Paarthurnax is one of my favorite quotes in media in general. It's been a huge part of trying to resolve some inner conflict I've got going... without getting into too much detail, this video actually gave me a new perspective on things and... they look less grim now. I love how sometimes examining the struggled of fictional characters can help you figure out things about yourself. Good video dude, keep going.
  • @imcjmf3598
    Dug the way you analyzed sweet pea from a character stand point and a redemption arc in a way. It's hard to think about how the lich and sweet pea are truly the same being , much like Fern and Finn being the same being under different circumstances. Keep it up man looking forward to seeing what you'll be making next.
  • @Maljurok
    This was a great video. another possibility to think about from this is that the moment the lich was hit by the good nootch and became Sweet P, he finally realized what it means to be alive especially after being raised by such good parents and thus never wanted to go back. I like to think all the times the lich surfaced in Sweet P were attempts to protect Sweet P and guiding Fin to the alternate lich since they would have the same kind of thinking. Even when it seemed like the lich returned it was just a ploy to defeat the alternate lich, I like to think that it was a story of lich himself choosing to be Sweet P and rejecting his darker nature so that he may find a happier purpose.
  • @gene1491
    "And before monsters. There was Dylan. We dont speak of him... He scares me"