Stephen Fry 'astonished' over God row

Published 2015-02-06

All Comments (21)
  • @aoifed8913
    Wow, I remember watching the interview on RTÉ, didn't know there had been uproar in England about it. The man is entitled to his own opinion, that was the whole point of the interview.
  • This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves. – Robert G. Ingersoll
  • @ReliableInsider
    The mere mention of atheism terrifies religious people . . . perhaps because even the most devout sometimes wonder whether it's all nonsense.  
  • @janbruml6918
    Thank you, Mr. Fry, for giving voice to what so many of us have had to think in the privacy of our own homes.
  • Stephen Fry - thank you for your voice of reason - you speak for so many!
  • Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you... and HE NEEDS MONEY! George Carlin
  • @Frontdesk99
    I've just watched the segment of the program with Gay Byrne and I found myself constantly nodding while listening to Fry. He was and is so right there.
  • Isn't it SO sad that religion has so much power on this planet, even today.
  • I couldn't agree more with Stephen's point. As a parent of a child with cancer (leukemia, not osteosarcoma), it really annoys me when someone talks about 'God's will' or tries to justify it in some pathetic way. He's spot on.
  • @philipknox7976
    It’s great to see people like Stephen Fry taking on this sunject in a honest and well articulated way he’s a treasure and a Ray of light for the human race
  • @meh78336
    As is always the case, when someone like Fry brings up inconvenient truths, those who don't want to hear it have to try to misdirect by throwing verbal tantrums, usually with not even the vaguest attempt to counter such comments. Well done Mr Fry for bring such simple truths into the public eye.
  • Common Sense prevails from Lovely Stephen Fry, perhaps the most compassionate human being.
  • It's a piss-poor God that needs human laws to defend himself/herself/itself from disrespectful comment
    Stephen is correct - the best thing is that people are now discussing the issue.