Six Things YOU DO That Gets You Arrested After a Self Defense Shooting

Published 2021-06-25
Self Defense: Here are six common mistakes that people make after defending themselves (that can get them in HUGE trouble legally).
Kick-butt self-defense legal help for gun owners: They provide attorneys, will pay your bond, and they won’t stick you with the legal fees if you take a guilty plea. They also fight Red Flag laws too (this is just as good as the legal protection that cops get after a self-defense shooting).
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NUTRIENT DENSE prepper food, 25-year shelf life, and will help to keep you in FIGHTING SHAPE after SHTF, visit Nutrient Survival:…

Water Purifier that I use (for SERIOUS preppers):

Valley Food Storage - clean & nutritious long term food, stores for up to 25 years:…

$19.99 Ethical Preparedness Pro 2nd Amendment Shirts (these cool shirts make a great gift for yourself or someone else):

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This channel is about prepping, self-defense, and how to stay out of jail should you have to defend yourself.
I am a police officer for a small police department; and a staunch supporter of the rights of the people and the US Constitution.
I am also a police academy certified instructor in many topics; but I specialize in firearms and Use of Force law.

*Special Notes:
I am NOT an attorney, so nothing in my videos should be misconstrued as legal advice.
Also, the Use of Force and the Use of Deadly Force should always be a LAST RESORT and never just a convenient option. It is also YOUR responsibility to know your state's laws on self-defense.
I am also an affiliate with several survival & self-defense related companies. Many links will be affiliate links.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

All Comments (21)
  • Self-Defense insurance that’s better than cops get: Enter the discount code ETHICALYOUTUBE to save money when you sign up. Firearms Legal Protection also protects you from Red Flag laws too. Here is where you can get my eBook that shows you how to make your own home-made natural medicine: This eBook has over 500 pages of great information for preppers and it’s only $9.99. Get a stash of your life-saving prescription meds thru Jase Medical at: and use the discount code ETHICAL to save $10.00. Water Purifier that I trust and use (for SERIOUS preppers): YouTube does NOT want you to see this: NUTRIENT DENSE prepper food that will store for 25 years and is also packed with vitamins and will actually be healthy for you to eat, visit Nutrient Survival: Valley Food Storage is clean and nutritious long-term food that can last up to 25 years: $19.99 Pro 2A Channel T Shirts:
  • @therealist4525
    I'm more scared of the legal process than shooting someone in self defense omg
  • @raifcluster
    Never ever tell the officer, "Officer, he attacked me with a weapon so I filled him with freedom seeds." That will be bad for you in court.
  • The fact you can die if you don’t defend yourself and go to jail if you do is INSANE.
  • @BayanLapell
    As a retired LEO myself, the first thing I tell people to do is if you are going to get a gun for personal defense, go through and read the self defense laws in your state and then when you get done reading them, read them again. One thing we were taught in academy and I will tell everyone else, if the responding officer asks what happened and you reply with "I shot and wanted to kill him" you have shown intent and that can be used against you. You say you shot to STOP the bad guy from doing what he was doing.
  • @slappychap969
  • @r3ptile584
    “I’m happy to comply and assist, officer. Any questions you have can be answered through my attorney.” DO NOT talk to police, or make any attempt to represent yourself.
  • @noloferratus
    I can attest to the fact that the police are not your friends after defending myself from a violet attacker twice my size. The police still wanted to make me seem like the bad guy who attacked the person twice his size for no apparent reason. The police also lied and said the hollow tube I used to defend myself was a tire iron.
  • @ge0arc244
    I'm retired from 15 years of Law Enforcement myself and Everything he said will save your life.
  • @loudcamaro79.
    it's pretty bad that defending yourself gets more aggravating than letting a criminal just blow your brains out and get away with it.. our justice system needs to be sat down, looked at and fixed.
  • @33RROCHA
    I am a firearms instructor and this was an excellent free video to all those who are thinking of becoming qualified to carry a firearm or have firearms in your homes to defend yourself and your families lives. It it highly imperative that you practice your shooting skills at a certified firearms range with instructors that are willing to help you to become better prepared for a situation such as to protect your home or property as well as a self defense shoot that you are involved in. A Certified Range does offer classes either as a group or individual training that will make you a proficient shooter at the range and will instill the confidence and the know how on what to do in case of a self defense shoot. Respectfully, Hawk
  • @skipthedip1
    I live in New York State, I’ve been a correction officer for over 34 yrs and Iam scared at how the laws are being implemented on law abiding citizens when it comes to self defense
  • @Anna_weird
    As a soldier we were issued with a post incident instruction card with 5 points 1. Explain: This person tried to kill me 2. Complaint: I am willing to make a complaint 3. Evidence: There is their weapon 4. Witness's: Those people saw the attack 5. SILENCE: Officer i will cooperate with your investigation, but first i need to speak with my legal representative. No 5 will allow you at a minimum 24hrs to decompress post incident.
  • @ST-lo6fm
    Don’t live in NJ, Ca or NY is a good start
  • Another piece of good advice is after the event, stay off social media. Make no statements or posts that can be used against you. Someone will be watching for that, either attorneys or investigators.
  • @WackyIraqi777
    Addendum to #3. Never, ever talk to the police except with the advice of an attorney. It can't be said enough. Nothing you say to the police can help you later, but it can hurt you.
  • @trashman4444
    It should go without saying, but also DO NOT TALK TO THE PRESS AFTER AN INCIDENT EITHER !
  • @norm1815
  • @troyholder1
    #7 before the police get there MAKE SURE that there is NOT a second threat, be aware of it, it happens. Great video, subscribed.