Libra ♎️ Your attracting all these suitors your way this person is nervously trying to approach

Publicado 2024-07-21

Todos los comentarios (12)
  • Confirmation and going to sit back and let things unfold the way they’re supposed to. This Libran does not chase none of the above but attract. I am going to stay in my lane doing me. 🔥 read. 👍🏽👍🏽
  • Your readings are scary spot on. You’re one of my fave. Thank you.
  • Thank you for the nice stuff you said in the beginning. I attract alot of energy vampires and it drains me. I spend alot of time alone to recharge but I can't help but be there for people but it gets me taken advantage alot. Mistake my kindness and generosity for weakness. Wow you are so right. I know a bitter old divorcee drove a wedge between us. She was jealous of her and she constantly hit on me as if she had a chance. She's like 50 and I'm 30 and she interfered acting like a mother figure. I had her figured out from the beginning. You literally just made me think differently about it. 💯 people have been acting a little looney like entitled to my time and energy and losing it on me when they don't get it. It's happened twice today. Wow you are gifted. Thank you
  • I’m an Aries cross watcher. I’m trying to get to know a LIBA MAN IVE DATED OFF N ON FOR OVER A YEAR. WE DATED ABOUT A MONTH THEN HE GHOSTED ME. Reunited again after 3 months dated a couple times n he ghosted me again. He said he is grappling with the death of his wife after 4 years 😩😱! He said he feels like he’s cheating on his deceased wife😮😢!! I had backed off for 5 months to give him more grieving time to heal. Just saw him at a store. He wants to go have dinner n talk. I’m crazy about this man but reluctant to try again and have him ghost me😤. I want to move on but can’t seem to shake my feelings for him. I had the strangest strong vibes when I first met him like I’ve NEVER HAD IN MY LIFE BEFORE WITH A MAN. LIKE HE’S MY SOULMATE👊🏻. I’m afraid to express my true feelings because of the day ama he’s going through.