Joe Rogan Experience #2170 - Max Lugavere

Publicado 2024-06-27
Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, author, and host of The Genius Life podcast. His debut film Little Empty Boxes is out now.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @nicoazevedo3581
    If health was the top priority of health care we would be living in a different world.
  • @robwindsor6373
    Man, I feel for this guy. He speaks the truth when discussing prevention, which is anathema to the current medical system and pharma scam. The last thing they want is for people to become healthy, so they treat the symptom instead of the actual issue.
  • @JoesMadness
    My father was diagnosed with dementia over 13 years ago, and I've been his caregiver for about 12 years now. He had Colon cancer at one point they gave him 5 years to live had he's still with us 10+ years later. I'm definitely glad to listen to this guest tonight
  • @joshmirgan588
    My sister is the head clinical researcher of Alzheimer’s disease at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota her name is Christina dheel. Joe should have her on the podcast. That’s exactly what’s she’s doing now is researching dementia in the disease
  • @foolycooly3763
    The doctors simply called it Parkinson’s dementia, but my father had Lewy body dementia it’s the same thing. He was diagnosed in September of 2020, he was having “episodes” but was still himself. Within two to three years he was a shell of himself. He just passed away early this month. Rest in peace dad, I’ll miss you forever. 1/1/65 - 6/3/24
  • @jeffmonroe6317
    Ive learned one thing. This guy loves his mom, almost as much as Flint Dibble loves his dad.
  • Suffered from IBS. For awhile. I eat 80% meat. And stick to other low fodmap foods. Changed everything for me. Things are way better now. I feel great and havnt been sick in years.
  • @ian4040
    Max always looks like he just woke up hungover in a strange girl's bedroom and made it to the interview 15 minutes late.
  • @ajrob77
    I have an uncle who is in the late stages of Parkinson’s - he retired from a chemical plant here in WV they made one of those pesticides. Over 20 men that my uncle worked directly with have had and passed from the same disease.
  • @jellyrollfan93
    Excited to listen to this one. My Dad recently passed from Lewy Body Dementia and these topics need to be addressed.
  • @sofiane9193
    If you see this, please send positive vibes my way. I’ve been struggling with health issues for years and could use your prayers.
  • Max, your family's suffering is most definitely not in vain.You have become a font of very useful information and through your film, podcast and book trilogy you will always be a source of empowerment for many.
  • @Bedardo12
    Ahh, so YouTube IS afraid to have Protect Our Parks on.
  • @gerb1018
    Holy fuck, why did I just get like 50 videos dropped on my feed?
  • Keto-Carnivore, exercise, proper sleep, pure clean water, remove stress -this is the way. If people can just eliminate all sugar and limit carbs to a respectable level, this alone will do wonders to improve health. Whether it's a grand conspiracy to make people just sick enough to perpetually medicate and treat them for profit or if it's due to greed and ignorance doesn't matter. It's up to you in the end. Decide.
  • @LobsterMobility
    I listened to this immediately last night here in Australia. It is Amazing! This is a amazing episode. Important. Max Lugavere has such important information to share on this serious subject. Dementia is so common and it is gathering pace and effecting younger people.
  • @nikitopi6324
    You all are spreading so much love. It’s truly heartwarming. Thank you!
  • @laurelroush8115
    With dementia running so high on my mother side of family, and seeing her stuggles as of late, i appreciate this info greatly
  • @atege78bilay
    I’m in need of your prayers and healing vibes. Please keep me in your thoughts as I work towards better health.