The Most Powerful Strategy for Healing People and the Planet | Michael Klaper | TEDxTraverseCity

Published 2018-06-14
NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice as nutrigenomics is currently an emerging field of study. We've flagged this talk for falling outside TEDx's curatorial guidelines. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal views and experiences with diet, chronic illness, molecular biology, and human health. Certain statements and claims are not yet supported by legitimate scientific evidence. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:…

Dr. Klaper says he had an awakening while putting people to sleep. When we awaken to the damage that a meat-based diet creates in our body and the toll that the industrial production of animal flesh inflicts upon our planet, we then become aware that the single most effective action anyone can take to improve their personal health and help heal our injured planet is to reduce, or better, eliminate their consumption of meat. Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He has practiced medicine for more than 40 years and is a leading educator in applied plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine. He is also the author of a successful book on cholesterol-free nutrition and an upcoming title (to be announced in 2018), as well as numerous DVDs and Videos on Demand, a series of “Healthy YOU Webinars,” and dozens of articles. A source of inspiration advocating plant-based diets and the end of animal cruelty worldwide, Dr. Klaper contributed to the making of two PBS television programs Food for Thought and the award-winning Diet for a New America movie based on the book of the same name. Dr. Michael Klaper teaches that “Health Comes From Healthy Living” and is dedicated to the healing and flourishing of all living beings and our planet. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @HonoraryGreek
    To illustrate one of the points Dr. Klaper makes; My grandfather died at 62 from a heart attack. His son, my father, had a major heart attack at 62 and was only saved by a triple bypass. Needless to say, I was apprehensive as I approached my 62nd birthday. However, I've been on a plant-based diet for thirty years and, when I did need a minor abdominal hernia op at 63, the hospital gave me a thorough medical. The anesthetist literally didn't believe it when I said I was on zero medication, and the surgeon said I had the heart and lungs of an 18 year-old. I'm now approaching my 67th birthday, and I feel like I'm still 18. One of the pivotal moments in my life was watching Dr. Klaper's lecture from a couple of decades ago, "A Diet for All Reasons." In short, this man changed my life, very much for the better.
  • @julianovak7900
    15 years on a vegan plant based diet, I reversed my cervical cancer and I’m thriving. Keep spreading the message 👏👏👏🙏💚🙌
  • @donnale3881
    My general doctor told me that my plant based diet was going to kill me. I survived the cancer, but couldn’t tell him because he died of a heart disease.
  • @GlennMarshallnz
    He went from putting to sleep to helping people wake up. Amazing doctor, amazing person.
  • @juliewerner9592
    I hadn’t been able to make a fist for 6 years and it took me 45 minutes to crawl out of bed cause everywhere hurt so was indeed the food, I am now one year whole food plant based pain free! Can make a proper fist! Happy, and 12 kg lighter. My food is now my friend and we work together. Thank you Dr Klapper, Dr McDougall, Dr Esselston and all you wonderful Drs who literally had us our health back on our plates... Jules from Australia
  • @therawcaviat
    "Your genes may load the gun, but it's your diet and lifestyle that pull the trigger" Dr Klapper Absolutely brilliant
  • @VegeCooking
    I lost my dad to heart disease on the day he was going to retire. He rode his bike up to the community pool to swim laps and lift weights on his lunch break from work, had a massive heart attack and died in the pool. I've been eating a whole foods, plant-based diet for over 13 years and have never felt better! I'm doing it for health, the animals, and the planet.
  • What a human! His greatness makes me cry. I know, I sound silly but there is so much nastiness amongst the human kind that every time I come across THIS level of reason, kindness and compassion and intellect, I still get very affected. Dr. Klaper - thank you!
  • @iwuvu247
    He's my favorite doctor, he actually cares about saving his patients instead of throwing them on pills and collecting the money. He's amazing!
  • @liztorres3539
    Vegan family since 2014, Houston TX :) so healthy now. I had heart enlargements and all my arteries clogged up. Went vegan and healed in 6months! Had LOTS more health problems, all gone! and keeping up with this amazing VEGAN HEALTHY JOURNEY with my love ones!
  • @montourigirl
    This Dr. is a gift to his profession. Imagine a world where Drs are once again healers of the body. I cant wait till the day, this way of eating is considered the norm and not some extreme form of eating! The SAD diet should be cosidered junk food. Wake up people, food is a healer and it's way less radical than having your heart cut open.
  • @Michajeru
    What a great man is Dr Klaper. This lecture is inspirational, informative, and straight to the point. I have been vegan for about 18 months. My Dr had to take me off anti-hypertensive drugs, my cholesterol levels fell to below average, I lost 14 kilograms in body weight, the arthritis in my right hip and knee improved greatly, my GFR improved, and I became much more energetic and mentally alert. I am 78 years old and full of life. I love traveling, hiking, swimming, and playing my classical guitar. Life is for living - you will live better and enjoy life more if you stop eating animal food and adopt a whole food plant based (healthy vegan) diet.
  • @tr1ckster726
    This guy just solved every single problem on earth in 20 minutes.
  • @jennylam1958
    The word is spreading gradually. However many years ago, almost everyone smoked. I think eating plant based is similar, takes time to change to community but doctors such as Dr Klaper and Sr Gregor help massively!
  • @paulb4496
    Thanks Dr. Klaper your sincerity and humor inspires me to stay the course. It's the food, It's the food, It's the food!!! 35 pounds gone, diverticulitis gone, hay fever gone, hemorrhoids gone, arthritis gone, asthma gone. God bless you and all the whole food plant based doctors behind this movement. It's the FOOD!
  • Dr Klapper helped me get through a medical situation [without the need of surgery] when he was practicing in Northern California and yes, he is as kind, and knowledgable and empathetic as he appears to be in this talk. I was blessed to cross paths with him. After meeting him I went from vegetarian to vegan and have had no health problems since.
  • @natejustice3512
    Dr. Klaper is so intelligent and articulate on the subject of health! Thank you for sharing him and his message! Wonderful speech!
  • @AH-cy4md
    Excellent! Wonderful! We need more doctors like him!
  • @dieyoung8259
    This is the best Sunday morning sermon I've heard in a long time. I'm about %80 all in on a plant based diet and after hearing this I'll strive to do better. Thanks a lot Dr. Klaper.
  • @becb3488
    Great video! Keep doing what you’re doing! As a nurse I have seen that poor diet and lifestyle choices are the main cause of disease. I’m strongly considering studying to be a Doctor just so that I can try and do more and raise more awareness about this issue. No one seems to listen when I try to talk about this at work... however there are a few nurses that I have met that understand this and also want to encourage change but just don’t know what to do because no one seems to want to hear the truth. Persevere, we will cure and treat disease by a simple change of diet and lifestyle choices eventually!