The "Brothers" of Jesus: A Fresh Look at the Evidence

Publicado 2016-03-01…

In this video, Dr. Brant Pitre discusses the so-called brethren of Jesus, and asks the fundamental question as to whether or not -- given both the biblical evidence and the early Church fathers -- the gospels speak of biological brothers of Jesus or not. He will also explain who these so called brothers were and the positions they held in the early Church.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @patquint3291
    I’ve been reading over all the comments and find the “back and forth” conversation very interesting. At the age of 42, 26 years ago (yes, I am old) I converted to the Roman rite of the Catholic Church after questioning Christian dogma and doctrine as taught in the United Methodist Church in which I was raised. When I realized the Methodist community was created from a split from the Episcopal community which was created from a split with the Anglican community which was created from a split with the Roman rite of the Catholic Church I began to wonder WHY all the splits when Jesus prayed we should all be one and St. Paul wanted no divisions in the faith communities he had established SO..... to make a very long story short, I came home to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in 1993. I find all this bickering totally a waste of time. People will twist and turn the Scriptures into any meaning they, personally, want to believe and after more than 500 years of one community after a another, after another after another after another after another after another (you get my meaning) splitting from the ONE Church Jesus established, only the Holy Spirit can stop this tragedy of divided Christendom. Pray that all our brothers and sisters in Christ come home to the fullness of the Faith. God bless.
  • @Pantokrator1
    This site produces one thing that is rarely witnessed or experienced these days. Truth. Keep up the good work Brothers and Sisters.
  • @annapennrose1158
    Also, Jesus would have known John would be the ONLY Apostle who would not be martyred.
  • @BM-yp1qr
    I'm Greek and I was NEVER taught that Jesus had Brothers or sisters who were blood related, this is NOT what the scriptures are saying, AT ALL. Jesus called his disciples and acquittances Brothers just like WE all do to people who are very close to us, without being blood related to them, as simple as that......
  • @markjoslin9912
    In middle eastern culture cousins are referred to as "brothers" and "sisters". It's that simple
  • @punk3388
    I am a cradled Catholic but i want to be defender of Catholic Faith! God bless you all!
  • @ika7622
    Why would Jesus ask John at the Calvary to take care of Mary? In those days I think... it would be greatly offensive to her real sons....if there were any. This argument makes sense.
  • @lauradinizp
    This is the best explanation I have heard about that so far. Sincerely, thank you
  • @ElKabong61
    "Bible believers" do not know the bible. It's like having a family photo album stolen and then the thief tries to piece together stories based only on what he thinks he understands from the pictures.
  • @nelsondantas3040
    Dr Brant Pitre is simply outstanding! A man filled with the Holy Spirit...A great gift for the Catholic church!
  • Thank you Father. You clarified all my doubts. I am a Roman Catholic and have deep faith on the Bible , church and all its teachings. Yet some believers tried to brainwash me and you enlightened my mind. Thank you so much and God bless you and the Catholic church. Amen
  • @aidaruilova140
    Excellent breakdown! The evidence is all in The Bible and early Church history. #Truth
  • Simply brilliant. It is right there in the bible! No confusion. It is clear. Can’t be disputed, so evident and yet we pass over it and let other “sects “ insert doubts and confusion. Thank you Dr Pitre!
  • @victoralexandrinus
    What a sensational video. Quite enlightening. I'm Brazilian, ex-protestant, I'm 17 years old and I'm studying about the Catholic faith. I discovered this video thanks to Fábio Salgado de Carvalho's blog.
  • Another point not mentioned about "adelphos", according to the “Greek expression” used by John (1:41) “Andrew (after his encounter with Jesus) went to look for his brother (Peter) “ton adelphon ton idion” (John 1:41). John considers insufficient the word “adelphos” (=brother) to express the relationship between Andrew and Peter who were true blood brothers of the same parents. This is why John says “ton adelphon ton idion.” ( "[Andrew’s] very own brother") This expression is in contrast with the different expression “hoi adelphoi autou” used a little later to describe the meaning of the “brothers of Jesus” (John 2:12; 7:3-10). This is the key to grasping why “adelphos ” can signify “cousin,” “countrymen” (4,45), “townspeople” (7:5). The brothers of Jesus in the gospel of John are his “fellow countrymen,” not true siblings.The terminology that John uses in using the word adelphos thus differs between the way John refers to Jesus’ brethren, and the way John refers to the blood brothers Peter and Andrew. The phraseology makes a distinction in the way adelphos is used. But the fact that Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, this was a euphemism for a marital bond, thus Joseph could not and would not touch her, the Ark of the New Covenant.
  • In Australia, the word 'Brother' is often used as a term of endearment. This is especially so within the Indigenous population. The people often refer to someone as their brother showing that their love for and wish to be close to a certain person is like that of a beloved brother. We also have a famous football club called 'Brothers'.
  • @Chrisanthie
    What more proof do we need than the meticulous studies you have done of the gospels and of the church fathers to show that the heresies about the " brothers of Jesus" were clever concoctions of the protesting variety, just in order to insult the mother of the saviour. They are the very people who argue that Catholics do not know the scripture, when they them selves have not read the scripture with wisdom and discernment.
  • Very enlightening! Thanks Dr. Pitre for your faith-filled research! Very interesting and helpful as always! God bless!
  • Than You Very Much Brother Brant. very Much satisfying answer ❤ May God Bless You Abundantly and keep us on right path
  • @jb5997
    Awesome! Thank you Dr. Pitre