Both Christianity and Islam insist their god is the only God- What is the solution to this?


コメント (21)
  • For those who don't know... The lady is Maria Wirth a German by birth. In 1980,on her way to Australia,she halted in India.She fell in love so deeply with India that she chose to live here forever. Since then, she's been living in India, accepted Hinduism and never resumed her journey to Australia. She has always been very vocal in defending Hinduism. And the soul just ahead of her is Mr David Frawley or Pandit Vamadeva Shastri,D litt, Padmavushan, American by birth,indian by choice. He teaches Vedanta ,Vedas,Ayurveda in America. He is one of the few foreigners who have been awarded with Padma awards. His recent book is 'Awaken Bharata:A call for India's rebirth'
  • I was born as Christian and found Sanathan dharma. I am an Indian. If you look deep enough into anything, it will guide you to Bagavath Gita and Vedas. Namaste! 🙏
  • 30 years of being a Christian, I think all Christian pastors must hear things like this so they can open their mind instead of insisting and asking people just to believe based on the bible. Things don't work that way again nowadays.. 🙏🌷
  • My friend said that he left Islam after reading "Kill the infidels." He said that the TRUE GOD would NEVER ask you to kill anyone.
  • This things insisted me to convert myself to Hindu Har Har Mahadev ,I love land of searching 🔱
  • I am an ex Christian and i have been listening to Sadhguru for quite sometime now. He is logical, bold and witty. What amazes me is that he doesn't speak about or push religion but rather, address issues that every human being can relate to. He caused me to ask lots of questions in my own mind and by the love of this universe, so much of the questions have been answered for me. Yet i do not know anything, forget about the absolute Truth, i don't have the truth but I'm on track, im getting closer to it. And the joy it brings is worth sharing. Born again in Christ doesn't mean going back into a womb, nor does it mean water Baptist but rather, born again in truth is what matters. The truth will set you free. And remember Jesus said he is the truth. I'd rather honor and worship true virtues rather than an idol of a man with a crown of thorns, halo over the head, but not following his teachings or walking the path he told us to. So life is all pointless unless you start asking the right questions. Peace out
  • Well Indian youth wants to westernisation while others admire Indian culture.
  • Hinduism is the only religion who allows you to think whatever you want, it allows you to question... But it is upto human being whether he really wants an answer to his question or just want to confirm his doubt about that and this is a common sense which I think every God has given to the related follower but only Hinduism allows you to actually use it but in the right way.
  • As Hindus we respect all pathways that lead us to the Superior Soul. We are seekers intent on uplifting ourselves to the level where we can obtain divine peace. This can never be found if we stand in judgment of others.
  • Long before Hinduism became a religion it was a way of life. It is a home for all beliefs. I am a Hindu.
  • She is Maria Wirth. She follows Hinduism and is a staunch supporter of Sanatana Dharma.
  • @saykin756
    If most of the top leaders in this world think like sadguru,there will be peace n prosperity on this planet....from malaysia with love.....
  • @Elixir569
    We're about seeking and not just believing...very well explained by Sadguru
  • Religions comes and goes but dharma remains till eternity I mean sanatana dharma
  • I am of no religion. This guy talks a lot of sense to me.
  • I love how when he laughs his whole body moves too. Lol. I love this guy.