The Truth About Pontius Pilate's Involvement | Parable Full Episode

Published 2022-04-01
Was Pontius Pilate weak? Did he allow Jesus to be crucified at the demand of others? Or did he have his own motives for allowing Jesus's fate? This documentary takes a closer look at the life of the governor of Judaea who ordered the death of Jesus Christ. Later recalled to Rome for his harsh treatment of the Jews, join these historians as they investigate the man behind Christ's crucifixion.

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#Parable #PontiusPilate #ReligiousHistoryDocumentary

All Comments (21)
  • @toadpossum6668
    Bible doesn't say that Pilate was a weak or oppressive leader. He attempted to free Jesus because he had no evidence of crimes worthy of crucifixion. But the Hebrew elite were threatening to riot unless Jesus was crucified. That's why he washed his hands.
  • @keelhe893
    Reading the biblical account never made me think Pilate was weak and scared. I always felt Pilate was indifferent and callous. He didn’t care about what bothered the Ancient Jews. He didn’t want to kill Jesus because he didn’t care about why the corrupt Sanhedrin was upset. Interesting that this documentary depicted the biblical account as Pilate being weak and docile
  • @jgmrichter
    Why can't we see who the scholars being interviewed are?
  • @maghalie1612
    Thank you very much. It's the best documentary about Pilate I've seen and listened too!
  • @dentonhahn2907
    Something not mentioned is the gospel writers didn't blame the Romans or the Jews. ..."this Jesus who you crucified is the Christ" Peter goes on to say had you know you would not have killed him. The fact is Jesus said to Pontius Pilate "you have no power over me unless it were given you from above" he had told his followers " I lay down my life and no one takes it from me" he told them that more than one occasion. Pilates wife has told Pilate "have nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him." Jesus said he had power to lay down his life and to take it up again... only God has the power of life...this is why the Jews wanted to kill him" he made himself to be God" blasphemy they say. But for Pilate when the say "If you let this man go you are not Cesar friend"...well now he had no choice...and he didn't anyway the choice was all Jesus Christ choice...I give my life for the sheep.... If I be lifted up I will draw all men into me. ... because I live you shall live also! Pilate done exactly what he was to do..and so did the Jewish people at that hate either of them is to hate Gods plan. These folks clearly don't know the scripture.
  • @fasted8468
    "The only physical evidence of the existence of Pilate is this rock." (Criticises in explicit detail every decision he makes for 10 years) Ummmm...
  • I’m no Bible historian (just a faithful Christian), but weren’t the AUTHORS who wrote the Jews wanted Jesus crucified, JEWS themselves. Matthew (yup), Mark (sure was), Luke (certainly), and John (check). So the anti semite issues came AFTER the completion of the Gospel not before
  • @Adad-ki5dh
    At least in this documentary Jesus is depicted as an oriental Jew, a middle easterner not the scandinavian blue eyed blonde contraption of Rome. And of course I take the gravest possible exception to the pastor who said Jesus was saying he had become the temple and was not opposed to commercialization, for heaven sake he was a Jewish man, tenured in Jewish law, he was opposed to Rome and it's values not Judaism.
  • @chericandream
    Happy NewYear -- Enjoy the sAbbAth's Gifts!!! Praise and ShoutOut to the Most High Ab YahuAh for teaching His own to know Him: ...Count one(s) days, know the seasons, His appointed times, and sAbbAth's, ...Morning by morning womb, baby!!! The Most High Ab YahuAh's Time Clock IN Earth: ...Three Heavenlie's Witness -- Given IN Creation Week. Sun/Morning womb= Beginning of a whole 24 hour day IN a 7 day week. Moon= Beginning sliver of light IN renewing of a whole monthly cycle. Stars/ Illuminaries= Beginning of the New Year found IN the Constellation (ram) and Spring Season; ...'The ABIB' GreenEar IN counting of days and for sAbbAth's Righteous Appointments with His Own. The Spring ‘ABIB’; GreenEar — New Years IN Counting of Days — Common Era (2022ad) ‘PassOver’ Month! (Psalm 90:12-14) Teach us to 'number' (count) our days, ...And let us bring the heart to wisdom. 13 Return, O Most High Ab YahuAh Sovereign! How long? And be sorry for Your servants. 14 Satisfy us IN the (morning) with Your kindness, And let us sing for joy all our days! (I just want everyone to know I am not promoting the zodiac equinox or the common era; Gregorian calendar beLIEf in this teaching)!!! The beginning of the New Year’s ‘ABIB’ count IS found after the new Spring/Season begins which IS sometime in-between the 19th and 21st of common era; month of March (spring equinox= Tekufah) yearly: 
and IS found through Astronomy (heaven's witnesses); During the Ram= ‘Lamb’ Constellation (Aries; respectively). IN ‘Counting’ the Monthly Moedim and His Seven Yearly Appointed Times: 
Find the first (New Moon/Month) after the said (spring/season — equinox= Tekufah), ...the (morning) after the ‘hidden’ moon begins your ‘first’ day IN the ‘ABIB' 1st/common era; April 2nd for this year’s PassOver month, ...and begins the ‘counting’ of days for all the Most High Ab YahuAh’s sAbbAth’s appointments with His own, that “Hear Ye Him!” This 'Spring Season' PassOver Month of 'the ABIB': ...Evening of ABIB 14th/common era; April 15, (2022)= PassOver dinner. ...Then (morning) ABIB 15th/common era; April 16 unTO the (morning) ABIB 16th/common era; April 17; First full day of UnLeavened bread week, High Sabbath appointment. (morning by morning) Seven Day Count: ...Then (morning) ABIB 21st/common era; April 22, the 7th and last day of UnLeavened bread week, unTO the (morning) ABIB 22/common era; April 23; High Sabbath appointment. (morning by morning) It is a believer's duty to seek for all HIStorical Scriptural Truths and not just believe what someone posts as truth. Discernment IN prayer, seeking, testing, perceiving, and open to receiving ‘wisdom and understanding’ through sWORD Spirit and Truth withIN one! Praise and thanks to the Most High Ab YahuAh, and all esteem to His Son YahuSha Messiah, our King, High Priest, and Intercessor unto Life, Love, Logic, and Loyalty everlasting, for believers that "Hear Ye Him only!
  • @MiriamMonroe
    33:00 have you even read the public records and letters of P. Pilate? I guess NOT.
  • @NMMD1531
    Great Video. You did not mention the fact that Pilate was likely appointed under Sejanus and that any attempt to free someone claiming to be King over Tiberius would have struck terror into the heart of Pilate. There was a purge after Sejanus was found out to be conspiring to overthrow Tiberius before the Crucifixion. Pilate would have been well aware of how Tiberius would have interpreted his actions. I see a common bias that is continually repeated and confuses the Gospel story. Jesus did preach against the Romans. In our age we forget that the Herodians were trained in Rome and were culturally Roman. The Temple priests were thoroughly Hellenized. John the Baptist was the son of a high priest and chose the wilderness over Jerusalem. Roman murals are found in Jerusalem 1 st century homes. There were daily sacrifices to Caesar in the Jewish Temple. Caligula wanted to erect a statue of himself for worship in the Jewish Temple. The high priests were appointed under Rome and were one of the first targets of the Great Jewish Revolt. The Gospels are very culturally accurate in showing the cultural divide with common Galilean Judaism and the Herodian Roman Judaism.
  • @YeenMage
    Sadly, this documentary veered into the fringe interpretation later when it decided to take the Gospel account of the private meeting between Pilate of Jesus and the Passover exchange of Barabbas at face value. I mean, if it was a private meeting between the two, who could have recorded it, and we don't have any evidence of such a Passover exchange by yours truly Pilate. Anyways. The Jesus actor here appears to be Jehovah's Witness' version as well, interestingly enough.
  • @k.avilla8061
    One of the female historians described Palestine as the 'Middle-East', but it was actually the ' Near-east', surely ?
  • @chericandream
    And the Most High Ab YahuAh Saw Every Thing That He Had Made, and, Behold, It Was Very Good!!! Now let’s take a good look at the beginning of the 7th day (sabbath observance); according to the Rabbi’s Judaism Religious System: 
And then come evening, 
and then come (morning), Wait-- What??? 
were the sixth day. (What IS this doing here?) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them: 
 And on the 7th day morning (womb) ended His work which He had made; 
And He rested on the 7th day from all His work which He had made. And the Most High blessed the 7th day, and sanctified it: 
Because that IN it He had rested from all His work which the Most High Ab YahuAh created and made. Praise and ShoutOut to the Most High Ab YahuAh for teaching His own to know Him: ...Count one(s) days, know the seasons, His appointed times, and sAbbAth's, ...Morning by morning womb, baby!!!
  • Quite Right ! The Emperors long understood that some Galilean Jew going by the name Jesus would emerge as the harbinger of the Empires destruction... The sources are absolute on this... Have you lost your mind man ? Only by the intervention of the Jewish Authority does our Savior come to the attention of Rome ! Such a contrivance...
  • The lack of a biblical knowledge of this documentary is appalling. For one the Bible never says that pilot was a weakling
  • @cutypie878
    It's all politics ,Pontius Pilate is appointed by the people.
  • @Lee-Darin
    Pilate was known to back down in certain situations. Backing down with the Roman Standards with carvings of Caesar, gilded shields in Herod's palace etc. Pilate was in hot water with Caesar especially concerning his friendship with Lucius Aelius Sejanus especially after Sejanus was executed for plotting against Caesar. With the affair with the Standards, Pilate bluffed, the Jews called him on his bluff, and Pilate backed down.