Illegal Aliens March in Phoenix against Sheriff Joe. Part 1

Publicado 2009-03-02
Watch how ridiculous these people are. They call everyone racists, nazis and the KKK if you support the RULE OF LAW AND SHERIFF JOE! Watch how non-confrontational they are, trying to provoke people who were standing in support of Sheriff Joe. Supporters for the Sheriff kept for the most part silent or talking amongst themselves, letting the fools show who they really are. I heard alot of hate coming from the people holding the signs that said Stop The Hate & Resist Hatred. Watch both parts 1 & 2 for the whole passing of the lunatic parade.... note that this is unedited other than the watermark at least until I have some time...

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @AspiringPotato
    Protests =/= reasonable discourse. A lesson ALL political groups need to learn. ALL.
  • @andreamprincess
    If we don't learn how to get along, history will repeat itself, point blank.
  • @RansackTheElder68
    You got that right, every single legal Mexican I know- legal immigrant or born here feel the same way I do. Boot thier asses back from where they came from!
  • @RansackTheElder68
    One world government is not anything I will support. Mexico signed its rights off to that land after Santa Ana got his butt kicked and was pleading for his life. Not that I really give a rats ass what happened 200 years ago. The land is ours, the border exists and they are breaking the law. Take it up with Chris Columbus if you want but dont put that BS on me. I AM NATIVE AMERICAN. Justifying thier actions today by stating what happened over the last 500 years is idiotic to say the least
  • @l9ois
    Funny how everyone wants to tell America how many and what kind of immigrants it should have.
  • @RansackTheElder68
    I was the dude in the Navy hat with the very long hair. Not in the video- was holding the camera! lol
  • @heheCRAZYhehe
    Wow, there sure is a lot of shouting and cursing in this comment section. Anyway, may I just point something out to all those who call people against illegal immigration racist or "Nazis" We have nothing against Mexicans, only illegals no matter what their race and "Illegal" is NOT a race. In fact,"Mexican" isn't a race either, It's an ethnicity. HISPANIC is a race but there are tons of other countries made up of mostly Hispanics such as Spain, Portoriko, Chile. We have no problem them.
  • @heheCRAZYhehe
    To finish my point, if we have no problem with Spain, Portoriko, Chile, or any other Hispanic country, then It's reasonable to assume that we are annoyed with the illegals, not because of their race, but because they're pouring into out country by the thousands. I would truly appreciated if you all could refrain from screaming and cursing at me if you disagree. Instead, just calmly explain your side and there will be a much greater possibility of me reading it. :)
  • @iguire
    If they are stupid enough to all gather in one place for you.......why aren't you arresting them??????????????
  • @RansackTheElder68
    That would be racial profilling. You know- we dont want any police to actually "use thier brains" when it comes to enforcing the laws. Reasonable deduction is the job of the police and all these people are crying foul... dont use your head, go check the 80yo norweigian woman vs the group of mexican men who look way out of place. If you dont think you can tell the difference between a legal and illegal alien- you havent seen enough of them because they stick out like a sore thumb...
  • @RansackTheElder68
    They are a bunch of children throwing temper tantrums.... the behavior on the left is pathetic. You can sure tell who is who at these things....
  • @RansackTheElder68
    @Shinimegami86 He is under investigation because of the whack-jobs in office who perpetuate this problem and have no intent on fixing the problem or protecting the Citizens. Come on down & let me show you the border first hand and you tell me how "safe and non-threatening" these illegals are...
  • @austin2460
    @MassachusettsPatriot Hell yeah busting out the 12 gauge
  • @dedadadum
    @stopglobalswarming i meant in human history genocide doesnt care if people are human or not thats what i was trying to get across lol
  • @thepope890
    lol dont fear my friends after the rally all of them came back and had all the streets clean in less than 5 min
  • @RansackTheElder68
    @20musicfreak20 and these criminals deserve what we have made for ourselves? Are you a mental reject or what?!!
  • @RansackTheElder68
    @chirasmex you are a moron that should be deported with the illegals even if your not one of them as well...
  • @dedadadum
    hahaha i like how they have signs that say they are human. when has that changed anything in history? millions of jews that burned to death were human. soldiers that die in war every day are humans. hiroshima victims were humans......yea
  • @yannitoob
    umm has anyone seen an american protest in mexico they assume the right to assemble i guess -- hahahaha - nerve boy!!!