Stingray [Surveillance Technology Documentary]

Published 2017-02-13
They're used by police, federal officials and hackers. They can read your text messages, see where you are and more. They go by many names but some know them as Stingrays. But what is a Stingray? Dive into the world of surveillance technology.

Official Selection of the Direct Monthly Online Film Festival
Official Selection of the People's Film Festival
Official Selection of the Student World Awards
Winner of Best Documentary at the Student World Awards
Winner of a Student Production Award at the Rocky Mountain Regional Emmys

Directed by Jerod MacDonald-Evoy
Produced by Rashinda Bankhead

Nathan Freed Wessler
Sam Richards
Scott Schober
Sen. Bill Nelson
Patrick Eddington
Harley Geiger

All Comments (21)
  • @BrokeTheGamer
    There are law enforcement officers using this technology to commit crimes of their own - with no oversight whatsoever.
  • @farinshore8900
    My phone is not an extension of myself, it is an extension of the Surveillance State.
  • @ericpaulgoldie
    all this surveillance and when i forget my password they're no help
  • @robertlinton690
    Any run of the mill flat earth video has millions and millions of views, but this and all the real threats barely has 3k. SMH I fell sorry for ppl
    We are in a POLICE STATE,AND WE ALL BELIEVE THAT we are Free.
  • People are buying and using Alexa in their homes, I will never understand. No privacy ever. "1984", on steroids. 😢
  • @wiley4ya
    I'm glad someone made such a video exposing the truth of this! I've been knowing about it myself! Great production!
  • @reuben8140
    Incredible production for 2K subs, much less 7 years ago - instant sub when I heard the diegetic jet noise 1:13, beautiful nonverbal communication
  • @Cpripri85
    As a tower tech.......this is NO SUPRISE. EMP IS THE ULTIMATE ANSWER.
  • @stevengill1736
    I think this documentary is from 2016, so things have no doubt gotten even more so...
  • 5g, WiFi networks, AI, Alexa’s, Ring Cams and private networks already have all of our homes mapped out. This is actually older tech. It’s scary to think what they have now
  • I've known about surveillance system from way back in the early 2000s when I was in college and worked part-time for a telecom company. My Job was in technical support and some cases I had to go go in the server room to swap broken devices. There was a device attached to the main server that was used to listen in on every call that came into the serve. The server usually had trixbox or sippy installed on them running windows server operating system. I didn't think of it of anything at the time but years later after finding out about phone tapping and all that surveillance issues, I realized that I'd actually seen it happen with my own eyes....
  • @ThizOne
    This video has criminally few views. It would be nice to get a follow up video on this subject about what high tech equipment they are using nowadays for surveillance of civilians
  • @ericthiel4053
    The more electronic stuff you have and carry, the more traceable and vulnerable you are. It. Amazes me how many of us just jump in head first for every new gadget without thinking of the possibilities. Dont get me wrong, I love tech gadgets. But I have drastically reduced everything down to a phone and thats it. Call me paranoid but its just too much at this point.
  • Learn to write one page at a time in pencil on the top of a glass, so no indentations are left on the others. Staple the message to an eagle's leg and tell it where to fly.
  • @JesusTrickedYou
    "none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe theyare free"
  • @glester7018
    all major cities are now photographed in real time using drones and multiple cameras that allow them to zoom and keep the big picture which they archive on high capacity removable drives in order to view specific vehicles or situation past.
    When people say they have nothing to hide, ask them if they use curtains or shit with the stall door open.
  • I am sixty now and have been watching this sort of thing unfold all my life. We banded together and protested, hired lawyers, got onto mainstream news and even had an effect on some issues, but it wasn’t enough. Many hippies turned into yuppies and just incorporated into the whole mess like a better with them than against them mentality. Either that or just resignation that it was a battle that couldn’t be won so why not have a good and comfortable life. A good and comfortable life is important and I don’t discount that entirely. New generations deserve fresh air, clean water, energy and resources, but it seems like we are trying to burn it all up and trash the world without consequence. I think we are really beginning to see those consequences now and it’s gonna get ugly. I love people and humanity but the population is just going crazy and crazy is exactly what we will get. The world population has almost doubled within my lifetime. There won’t be enough to go around and you know what that means. More war, more efficient killing, less human value, drastically depleted resources, even worse pollution, the continued unrealistic rape of the natural world and the need for control -more control. It’s not just the United States -it’s the whole world. My heart goes out to the young. Especially the children and those yet to be born. It is increasingly becoming; cooperate and join into conformity or else. Whether you agree with it or not. Voting. What a joke. The misconception that you have a choice. Sorry. We supposedly fought against Marxism and won. Now we are becoming much like that with some alterations. Movies and stories like Orwell’s 1984 were not just hypothetical fantasies. These were tales of glimpses through the vail of propaganda that we have always been living in disguised as a view of communism from the outside. Do everything to hang on to your good health -if you still have that. We can research and chat about all this endlessly without resolution. We need real, doable solutions and we are not doing that. Not well enough. You wouldn’t like my solutions. They are non violent but would change everything back in our favor. They have all been suggested before many times but no one listens so good luck making videos and pointing fingers when it is you (us) causing or at least supporting the major problems whether you realize it or not. I’m not trying to be condescending or insulting. The answers are obvious if you just stop and think about it. Population and consumption. It can be done without pain, loss and suffering. Take care and much love.