Published 2023-02-04
Today, we talked with world-renowned veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan about fleas, ticks, the dangers of modern prevention and medication as well as safe ways to treat them. She's been so generous and is offering a FREE flea and tick detox to help you get your dog or cat off of harmful medications and onto prevention methods that don't harm them. Link below!

Dr. Morgan's FREE Flea & Tick Medication Detox:

Dr. Morgan's Website:

Dr. Morgan on Social Media: ‪@DrJudyMorgan‬

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All Comments (21)
  • It’s only a matter of time when dogs are diagnosed with autism. The vet “care” industry will be delighted because then this will set the dog up for additional medical treatments. It’s all about money, it’s not about pet health; just like in humans.
  • @mcorrive12
    The reactions our pets are having from these flea/tick medications is heartbreaking! The vet sent us home from our first appointment, for our 4 month old rescue, with a "welcome bag" with a free toothbrush, a free toothpaste sample, and a free simparico trio sample. 10 days after the simparico trio our Lily began waking up 3-5 times a night with what we thought were vivid night terrors. Our vet prescribed us benedryl to help her sleep, then rimadyl in case she was in pain, then trazodone for if it was anxiety, none of which fixed the nightmares. Finally they started happening in the evening while Lily was sleeping on the couch and we could see her reaction when she woke up. We realized she had a physical response as well. Loss of balance while trying to sit up and star gazing (neck goes back and looks at the ceiling), in addition to the immense fear response crying and yelping. We immediately reached out to an emergency vet clinic (not our primary vet) and they told us to bring her in right away as she was likely suffering from complex partial seizures. 3 nights in the ICU later, after multiple attempted discharges and readmissions through the ER, Lily has finally just made it through her first night back home with us seizure-free after being put on both Keppra and Phenobarbital. We're praying Lily continues to respond positively to the medication and doesn't go back to nightly cluser seizures. During the day and when not sleeping, Lily's the most perfect, beautiful puppy. This whole thing is BEYOND heartbreaking. I need to remember to thank my vet for the "welcome bag". 😭
  • @aimb3819
    What do you do if your dog has fleas? I’ve tried diatomaceous earth, coconut oil, neem oil, all natural flea collars, all natural sprays like wondercide and he eats freeze dried raw food so he is healthy. I’m exhausted from trying everything to no avail. I’m exhausted from spreading diatomaceous on the carpets and washing bedding daily - washing him every 2 days with all natural shampoos. this has been going on for 2 months and I am at my wits end. He’s never been on meds but I’m considering credelio and I don’t want to do it but I’m reduced to tears over it now.
  • I’m late for the party! I just found your chat with Dr. Judy and am excited to learn more. Talking these drugs they are testing these products on dogs. I will try and find the article to share with you. These puppies do not live long.
  • @michelledunn891
    Off topic, but I love Cody, WY. I spent a summer working in Cooke City, MT so I spent a lot of time in Cody. I loved that area so much that I named my Aussie Cody. I just found you guys on TikTok. Thanks for all you do. Def. buying your book too!
  • I agree that we need to figure out the mosquito problem but the wolf in Yellowstone story rings of (sub)urban mythology.
  • I had a tick on me and got it out and put it in a plastic zip lock bag to save and send in to have it checked. It chewed itself out of the bag!!!
  • @leannedeco9484
    I have dogs and cats in the house for as long as I can remember- over 58 years of memory. Never have I experienced like the past few years a flea infestation where standard care did not take care.of the I am trying all natural and now even considering man made chemicals because the salt, the baking sofa, the Diatomaceous Earth, neem oil, coconut oil, etc...etc...vacuuming and washing bedding linen etc...I am starting to think these are GMO fleas released from a lab...just line we have GMO mosquitos, ....all just to keep the pharmaceutical companies in business.
  • @TSTemple
    I have given my dog Nexgard a few times. Never again after learning of this
  • @tinapinkpassion
    I learned to treat the tick spot with ledum. This helps prevent disease
  • @leannedeco9484
    All of.this info is great for prevention ...but need details on all options for care for positive test result dogs and cats...What can we do if the over.the top expensive procedures make it completely impossible.
  • Hey so you spoke briefly on the heartworms, can you cover more on this? My vet wants to give my puppy ringworm, hookworms and heartworm prevention but I have no interest in that but how do I repel these things?
  • In FL, dusting with DE has not worked on my dog for flea/tick. I gave her half dose of nexgard. This spring I will wait until I try some other non neurotoxin. Update: I have been giving my 17 lb mini schnauzer 1/4 tsp fresh garlic for about a month and no sign of a flea or tick. We live on 5 acres mostly wooded. I thot garlic was poison.
  • Heartworms does not exist in my country but tick borne Ehrlichiosis is very deadly for our dogs.
  • My german shepherd had awful rash in his hip. Took him in, they said fleas even though we only ever found 1 flea on him! I was so insistent that couldn’t be it. Started monthly flea meds. 8 year apt his blood test was totally normal. 6 months later he couldn’t get up, took him to emergency vet, bone cancer. So bad he had more white blood cells then red. We couldn’t believe this had happened. Nothing made sense! Wondering if it’s related to the flea meds.