Sir David Attenborough on life, death, climate change and the future of the planet | Triple J Hack

Published 2019-09-24
Sir David Attenborough has slammed Australian leaders for inaction on climate change in this wide-ranging interview with triple j’s Hack program.
The world’s most renowned natural historian speaks about his life’s work, his least favourite animal, school students striking for climate change action, the future of the planet, and his views on religion and what happens after death.

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All Comments (21)
  • It would be rather difficult to quantify the amount of value any given person has provided to this world but I believe that if you could, this man would be pretty high on that list.
  • @StacyNotStacey
    David should be able life forever He is the chosen one He protects the earth
  • @jamesmule
    "You're still doing so much, for someone in their nineties ." I literally said out loud "HE'S WHAT?" and stared at my screen for five minutes when I read he's actually 93.
  • @exoticsmania
    This is the man who taught me to love our world, to care for our planet. Thanks to him i get the opportunity to teach Wildlife Conservation and how to save our planet. I'm only 15 but because of the school i attend they let me teach this to kids form age 7 all the way to 17. I have learnt so much of this man and i would love to meet him one day.
  • Further evidence to my attitude that people who are able to say "I don't know" (when they also do have informed opinions) are the best people.
  • @Soylentology
    He is such a blessing. His passion is contagious.
  • @9AJW4
    Sir David is a national treasure. I already know that I'm going to cry when he's no longer with us and I really fear for our natural world when that day comes.
  • @Jason-..-
    Love u sir david! Thanks for EVERYTHING! You will ALWAYS BE WITH US! 🌍💙💚
  • Brilliant interview. Brilliant man. I'm going to cry the day I read he has passed on.
  • @91mrmister
    A great interview, what a legend! I wish world leaders were that sound of mind.
  • @caseykeough100
    No David, the amazing shots are just the cherry on top! We love you! Your passion, and your voice in such a disappointing political climate. 😍
  • @gulabjamun173
    What a living legend! Been watching Sir David Attenborough since I was a kid. Loved your comments about God. A world through the eyes of evolution is far more interesting and exciting.
  • @Passi0nsFaith23
    A truly wonderful interview with a man who has given so much
  • @V4lairiel
    He’s in his 90’s yet looks and sounds still very sharp. Thank you, eternally for your work
  • @Camboge
    I'm trying to make good personal choices and I am changing the way I shop. I'm trying to buy less plastic packaging. Almost everything comes in plastic. 1) We need to demand a near future ban on plastic packaging 2) we need a comprehensive program to make every home, school and every other airconditioned building efficient, preferably with recycled fibers such as cellulose insulation, which is made from waste paper from schools, offices, etc. And is 40% more fuel efficient than fiberglass. 40% is a bunch of wasted fossil fuel. Think about every house that is poorly insulated, burning fossil fuels to heat and cool all year long. And it would put people to work doing the rehabs, an investment in the workforce that will yield tax money in the coffers, which we can put toward more projects that will reduce our pollution. 3) encourage small local farmers to produce more than monoculture crops. Local produce and animal products would cut shipping fuel usage and refrigeration costs and electricity usage. There are so many more things that we can be doing with technology that already exists to make a livable world possible for following generations
  • He’s like a national grandad who’s stories tells the 40 year old kids the most interesting things of the world. There has been others but he does it with such commitment.
  • Sir Attenborough is one of the hero’s in my life & my children’s lives. I remember his first dive in the coral reef when I was in hi school. He, Jacque Cousteau, Valery Taylor inspired my son to study oceanography & become a scientist himself. THANK YOU ❗️❤️
  • @brendan3556
    So blessed to have this human on the planet.