How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in the Old Testament: Women in Ministry part 3

I spent months researching the topic of women in ministry so that I could present you with this exhaustive analysis of everything the Bible says about it. Today we are surveying the Old Testament to look for examples of women in positions like leadership.

We'll see Deborah, an actual "judge" of Israel who definitely exercised real authority in ancient Israel with God's approval. How does that impact our view of women's roles? Was Deborah limited in her role in any way?

We'll look at Miriam and ask if she was a leader like Moses during the time of Exodus.

Many egalitarians claim that there are quite a few women in leadership roles in the Old Testament. Women as civic authorities, royal authorities, prophetesses (and there's no denying that one!).

While there are more women in roles that carry some degree of authority than many of us have realized we still need to answer the question of why they were forbidden from being priests in the service of God even though pagan religions had female priests. I'll tackle both sides and try real hard not to go beyond the text of Scripture.

I want to make sure that whatever my understanding of the New Testament teaching on women in ministry is, it's consistent with God's overall revelation and example of how He used women in the Old Testament.

CLICK HERE (   • Why We Can't Think Biblically About I...  ) for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them).

CLICK HERE for the notes from today’s study.…

You can also find more videos freely available on my website:

Video Map for Quick Reference:
0:00 Introduction & Part 1&2 Recap
1. 13:49 Miriam as a Leader of Israel
2. 34:54 Huldah the Prophetess
3. 42:42 Isaiah’s Wife
4. 43:54 Noadiah
5. 47:24 Deborah the Judge
6. 1:11:28 Jezebel
7. 1:14:15 Athaliah
8. 1:16:57 Esther and others
9. 1:25:07 The Isaiah 3 Passage
10. 1:35:09 Why Weren’t Women Priests?
11. 1:49:57 Conclusions
12. 1:50:58 Coming Up Next in Part 4

コメント (21)
  • I wanna just show some appreciation for the amount of work this guy puts into his job, and the personal dedication he shows through that.
  • Please keep not caring about offending people by saying the truth, Mike. Never bow down to society! And whoever really values what the Bible says will not be offended anyway.
  • It's incredible how people can write books and articles, even quote the scripture but be totally twisting what the bible actually says, scary! Thank God for discerning pastors like you Mike 🙏🏾
  • “Excited.” Are you kidding???? Mike, this is all beautifully exciting! I’m in awe of not only the research you’re doing, but the way you present it, by keeping it with a heart of humility, fairness, and genuine concern for those who hold to either view. You’re a true godly man. I thank you for all you’ve done and are doing. I’m so blessed by your ministry!!!!
  • I'm leading the music in church for the first time tomorrow, and it's such an encouragement to hear about all of these women who God used to lead His people in praise. Thank you!
  • Thanks Mike for another great teaching. As a Christian woman I truly love to see men functioning in the capacity God created them for, I'm also willing to be obedient to God and fill in where ever He desires me to.
  • I really appreciate you, Mike! I have been in several heated debates on women in ministry and your presentation is balanced and seems deeply rooted in Scripture. Thank you for your many hours of study and preparation.
  • I am pretty strongly complementarian. Growing up I loved learning about the women in the Old Testament. I love that they heard from God and were involved in everyday life. They were important enough that their names were recorded, even some women that just inherited property or were involved in non-leadership roles. It reminds me of a sermon I heard recently about how God knows each of our names, irregardless of how important we are in society.
  • I really can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you doing this. I am a complementarian as well, but I've felt like the subject has been oversimplified by our side and usually comes across as unimportant. Thank you for taking the time to study this complex topic and teach it in an organized clear way with kindness and humility.
  • @TheEllaTB
    Thank you for this study. I have struggled accepting Biblical female roles because it was presented all wrong, but as I have accepted God's word for my life I find it more freeing and like I am accomplishing more by staying within my boundaries.
  • Each time one of these videos comes out, I think, "But what's the rule? How do we apply it to today???" And then I have to stop myself and remind myself it's an exercise in starting with the Bible. I see the intentionality in the way you've chosen to teach this, and I'm so appreciative.
  • Mike Winger is one of the best and biblically sound teachers today. My wife and I have been diving into this series and we love how Mike stands on biblical truth. Thank you for this series Mike & tackling these taboo (although not sure why it is) subjects. Keep it up!
  • @Aevans786
    Your first video was dripping with wisdom. If we don't come with that willingness to receive whatever God's word says there's no sense of us even listening to the rest of this series
  • @atennisn
    I am still making my way through the video - but I want to 'Thank You' for tackling this series!! It is much needed.
  • Really thankful for your time and the effort you put into this series! I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone speak before with the same emphasis and interest in real bible truth as you do. I especially appreciate your neutral approach to every topic which allows Gods word to speak for itself. Studying with you leaves me feeling fed and inspires me to grow more in my love for God’s word. Thank you- our family is praying for yours!
  • Mike, what I appreciate most about your ministry is how respectfully you present all sides of a topic or study. Even when you present your own views on something, you do so with complete respect and humility. I wish all Christian ministry channels could operate the way that you do. Thanks for your hard work and ministry.
  • Thank you for your extensive research on this topic. I know of several female pastors (went to the ordination of one) and I have never felt comfortable around Pastor's who are female. Listening to this teaching is helping me to see if my discernment is just me or from the Lord. I will continue through the series, God willing.
  • This was more interesting and exciting than any Hollywood movie! I feel very satisfied with the section on Deborah. Can't wait for the next part
  • @jtut7047
    I appreciate the slow, careful, thoughtful, humble, and detailed work on these sets of videos on women in ministry. As a woman, I really want to know what the Bible says about this, and not just follow the cultural trends. As I mentor other women, I need to have a good Biblical view of this! Thank you for your countless hours of research and for always taking this issue to the Word of God, IN CONTEXT, to see what God says about it!