Asian Boss Planted Interview?! What Taiwanese Think of China | Chinese-Taiwanese-Canadian REACTS

Publicado 2022-01-10
Have you guys seen this street interview done by Asian Boss? I've already seen some comments complaining that because they had only interviewed people in Taipei that it's a bit one sided. What do you guys think? Was this a fair and balanced representation? And what do you think of the translations? Do you have any Chinese or Taiwanese friends that talk about this? Let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comments section below!

@laorenchanna did some investigating and found out that Asian Boss purposely scouted to find an interviewee that had a certain perspective for one less popular view on the political spectrum in Taiwan, but didn't do the same for the other side:
"Yes, Asian Boss planted a deep blue Youtuber and pretended he was a 'man on the street' -- and I want to know why."…

the local producer they hired quit on them when he found out how journalistically unethical they wanted him to produce their video:
"Insider testimony: Asian Boss frustrated they couldn't find Taiwanese with their desired viewpoints, causing local video producer to "nope out" "…

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @danzwku
    "Chinese Historian EDUCATES Communist Apologist ENGLISH SUBTITLES" "Taiwan is not a Country (even if you wish really hard) [TAIWANESE PERSON REACTS]" @laorenchanna did some investigating and found out that Asian Boss purposely scouted to find an interviewee that had a certain perspective for one less popular view on the political spectrum in Taiwan, but didn't do the same for the other side: "Yes, Asian Boss planted a deep blue Youtuber and pretended he was a 'man on the street' -- and I want to know why."… the local producer they hired quit on them when he found out how journalistically unethical they wanted him to produce their video: "Insider testimony: Asian Boss frustrated they couldn't find Taiwanese with their desired viewpoints, causing local video producer to "nope out" "… 6:23 one of the important parts of the video, polling how Taiwanese people feel. The size of the font on the bottom there is proportional to how popular the view is. 13:50 When I say interchangeably, I just meant that Taiwanese people use the word "Taiwan" as the name of the entire country, not just the island of Taiwan that excludes KinMen, Matsu, Penghu, Green Island, etc. But that has no bearing on what they think or feel about the ROC. I just meant that even people who love the ROC uses the word "Taiwan" when they're referring to the country nowadays, even people like the guy in the brown jacket. I might have made a mistake with the "some fun facts about Taiwan" at the end there! And now I'm reading "The first woman to be democratically elected as prime minister of a country was Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), when she led her party to victory at the 1960 general election." What I read might have been specifying the first in East Asia (?) I can't remember now. It's a shame I can't go back and edit it out.... This is my comment on their video "As a Taiwanese, there are a number of problems with this video. 1. False translations, which I will correct in a moment. 2.There have been numerous complaints from the Taiwanese community that they have selected a region that is commonly known to lean a certain way. 3. 3:05 is not your average joe on the street. This person might have even prevented Asian Boss from making videos of Taiwan over the past few years. This YouTuber even made a post saying "I'm not a pedestrian, is it acceptable for you to neglect to put my YouTube name on the screen?" He has a Facebook page and YouTube channel with over 100k subscribers. That's not to say that Asian Boss can't interview influencers, but the Taiwanese community has been discussing/debating whether or not this has been planted, and not disclosing it is an issue, as opposed to making it look like these were ALL people that were found on the street. We know that Asian Boss has had years of experience making videos in China, interviewing mainland Chinese folks, so it is probable or safe to say they have a mainland Chinese person working as their producer for their China videos. This person might even be so close to the creators of Asian Boss, Stephen Kim and Kei Ibaraki that they may have interjected into producing this Taiwan video, which is an obvious conflict of interest considering the conflict between Taiwan and China. This person might have even dissuaded Asian Boss from making videos of Taiwan over the past few years. This YouTuber even made a post saying "I'm not a pedestrian, is it acceptable for you to neglect to put my YouTube name on the screen?" As it turns out they put out an ad specifically looking for people who support unification even though that is the insanely and overwhelmingly unpopular view, neglecting to find someone who wants to create a Republic of Taiwan. If you actually cared about showing the world what the pulse of Taiwan was you should at least make your video proportional to what the views are. That's actually not as hard as it may sound when you managed to find someone that might actually support unification, even if it's only under the ROC. I will leave a link to their ad looking for people with this specific view in the replies, because I don't want this comment to be taken down. This is one of the many comments that are circulating in the Taiwanese community. "importantly where’s the indigenous voice in this video. This is so typical of AsianBoss… in their video titled “what’s it like living in China” their sampling was exclusively done in Shanghai. I’m sure Shanghainese’s sense of freedom and quality of life are totally comparable to the Uyghurs 🙄" I don't have the energy to correct all the comments that seem reasonable but misleading so please....please be more intelligent, honest, and comment in good faith I also made a mistake about the passports, they obviously have their respective passports, but both countries don't recognize the others' passport, because that would mean that they recognize each other as a country, which they currently don't, but I kinda wish they did. Also, to be clear, I had and was never the one to claim not to be biased lol. It's amusing to see all the comments that claim that I think I'm not; Asian Boss was the one that claimed they weren't, so as an organization that makes this claim, expect that from them. That is why the title of this video is relevant. We don't need to live in another world that doesn't exist to admit that Taiwan/ROC is already a country and has always been separate from the PRC. It was in fact the CPC/PRC that separated form the existing legitimate Chinese government. Just because we were taught something doesn't make it right, the Taiwanese were taught that we were going to go back and retake the mainland, but you don't see us pursuing that anymore, despite it being taught to us. We can put an end to the Taiwan-China issue without unification, by simply acknowledging the truth and respecting one another. All it takes is mutual respect. For the PRC to respect the ROC, and for the ROC to respect the PRC. You can be grateful to your country without supporting everything it does, just as Americans are proud of their country while being very vocal about their criticisms about what their government and country is doing. You would be very very hard pressed to find any American who doesn't have any complaints/criticisms of their own country. They have a saying that I wish the Chinese could learn, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism," meaning, being willing to criticize your own government and country because you love it so much that you want it to be even better than it already is. Another question I would ask the mainland Chinese, would the mainland Chinese be okay with a government that has never governed mainland China before invading and annexing them? What about one that has fewer political rights, civil liberties, and internet freedoms? Would the mainland Chinese be okay with the ROC taking back the mainland and unifying both sides under the ROC, when as a reminder, the ROC was actually born in mainland China and has actually governed in mainland China at the same time with Taiwan
  • @hung-yupan1599
    So glad to have you speaking up for Taiwan especially having ability and knowledge to clarify things that many Westerners are not familiar with. Thank you very much Daniel!
  • @vivivv2284
    As a Taiwanese I have to say this is such an insightful response of the video !!Thankyou for all these explanations
  • @bctvanw
    Taipei has the highest concentration and number of Chinese Mainlanders/Waishenren who came to Taiwan after 1949 with KMT. The Chinese Mainlanders who lost Chinese civil war and escaped to Taiwan only consist 13% or less of Taiwan's total population now(the number is decreasing through intermarriaging into the general population or immigrating out of Taiwan). However, they are about 30% of Chinese Mainlanders living in Taipei(40% in the past). Even within Taipei, they are concentrated in some areas. The older generation of those Chinese Mainlanders have nostalgia towards China. It's past on to their second generation(rarely the third btw). Taiwan has generation gaps too.. The people who are over 80... Some were raised up being Japanese naitonalists fighting with Japan against China in Taiwan. Some were raised up being Chinese nationalists with ROC fighting against Japanese in China. The people who are between 50-70 grew up when Taiwan was under martial law with no freedom of speech. The people who are 40 years or younger grew up and live most of their life when Taiwan was democracy.
  • @karry2951
    我在YouTube上都不看政治类居然给我推这种深绿视频...你这视频已经被Google的algorithm链上了。 我爷爷也国名党在编,只不过留在了这边。你爷爷和我爷爷也许就是情同手足般的战友,而他们的孙子将来可能会在台北某场抢滩作战中互相打穿对方的肠子。他们的一生有一个共同点:被肉食者操作的小丑。 你的视频挺有参考意义,让我知道对岸同龄绿的观点。但愿未来我们不会在西门町某个居民楼里互相扯肠子吧。
  • @danzwku
    6:23 one of the important parts of the video, polling how Taiwanese people feel. The size of the font on the bottom there is proportional to how popular the view is.
  • @judosailor610
    What’s unfortunate is that the Asian boss video may give the impression that most Taiwanese are in favor of unification under the PRC. When the truth is most are for independence, and even many of those who favor unification want it to be under the ROC not PRC. Also, regarding your comments around 37 minutes, that’s because the PRC claims Taiwan as part of the PRC. Anything short of that is unacceptable to them. So they don’t like ROC or ROT because for them it has to be PRC.
  • @danzwku
    This is my comment on their video "As a Taiwanese, there are a number of problems with this video. 1. False translations, which I will correct in a moment. 2.There have been numerous complaints from the Taiwanese community that they have selected a region that is commonly known to lean a certain way. 3. 3:05 is not your average joe on the street. This person might have even prevented Asian Boss from making videos of Taiwan over the past few years. This YouTuber even made a post saying "I'm not a pedestrian, is it acceptable for you to neglect to put my YouTube name on the screen?" He has a Facebook page and YouTube channel with over 100k subscribers. That's not to say that Asian Boss can't interview influencers, but the Taiwanese community has been discussing/debating whether or not this has been planted, and not disclosing it is an issue, as opposed to making it look like these were ALL people that were found on the street. We know that Asian Boss has had years of experience making videos in China, interviewing mainland Chinese folks, so it is probable or safe to say they have a mainland Chinese person working as their producer for their China videos. This person might even be so close to the creators of Asian Boss, Stephen Kim and Kei Ibaraki that they may have interjected into producing this Taiwan video, which is an obvious conflict of interest considering the conflict between Taiwan and China. This person might have even dissuaded Asian Boss from making videos of Taiwan over the past few years. This YouTuber even made a post saying "I'm not a pedestrian, is it acceptable for you to neglect to put my YouTube name on the screen?" As it turns out they put out an ad specifically looking for people who support unification even though that is the insanely and overwhelmingly unpopular view, neglecting to find someone who wants to create a Republic of Taiwan. If you actually cared about showing the world what the pulse of Taiwan was you should at least make your video proportional to what the views are. That's actually not as hard as it may sound when you managed to find someone that might actually support unification, even if it's only under the ROC. I will leave a link to their ad looking for people with this specific view in the replies, because I don't want this comment to be taken down. This is one of the many comments that are circulating in the Taiwanese community. "importantly where’s the indigenous voice in this video. This is so typical of AsianBoss… in their video titled “what’s it like living in China” their sampling was exclusively done in Shanghai. I’m sure Shanghainese’s sense of freedom and quality of life are totally comparable to the Uyghurs 🙄" Here is my reaction video to this video, I have corrected the false translations in my video, but I may come back later to point them out here as well.
  • This is so true, I am Singaporean and my mom is Super Blue-sided if I could use that analogy. She insists that I am China-Chinese because my grandparents were from China, but she does not see the fact that I have a totally different culture and we speak English as our main language here rather than Mandarin (that's the second language for the Chinese here).
  • @blairyoung1219
    I think you missed a very important point which is the constitution currently practiced in Taiwan, the constitution clearly stated that both mainland and taiwan are provinces of the republic of China, so the status quo should be, under taiwan's constitution, both mainlanders and Taiwan people belongs to one country
  • @mnfchen
    Polymatter's video "Why the US Doesn't Support Taiwanese Independence" is really good as well. It's not really a take on this video, but it's a pretty objective explanation of Taiwan and China.
  • You mentioned that your grandfather fought for the Chinese Nationalists during the civil war, but you never spoke to him about it. What I am curious about is, if you had tried, do you think he would have answered your questions? The reason I ask is because so many veterans of various wars choose to never open up about their experiences to others. Perhaps because even if they did, how can those who weren’t there truly understand.
  • @x_jaydn
    C Milk sent me! Great analysis of Asian Boss' recent video. To be honest, I thought it was just me thinking the interviewees and translations were a bit biased... Didn't expect that Blue guy to be super-blue though, haha I got some Sigma Male vibes after the revelation that he wanted the mainland to be taken-over by Taiwan, for better or worse 🤣
  • @shuhewa
  • @booaks2980
    Knowing the history of Chinese civil war is a must prerequisite in order to fully understand the situation between Taiwan/ROC and China/PRC nowadays.
  • @saml332
  • @uryen921
    Thank you for the analysis. I don't like this kind of "survey video", it can be quite biased and misleading. You can not judge a country just by asking a couple of random people.
  • @julianwang8665
    I’m from mainland China. I think CCP better leave Taiwan alone tbh. Coz it is an independent country no matter u call it Taiwan or ROC. I was there for travelling in 2019. Taiwanese people are decent and nice. If the CCP launched warfare against that little island, I would definitely turn my back to t he mainland. It’s gonna destroy my last hope for the so called “Authentic Chinese”. Can’t do anything with bunch of lunatics and chauvinists.
  • @ParsaPLAN
    34:35 U.S invaded Iraq NOT under UN resolution and it didn’t really face much sanctions from it did it