Daily Monster RT-89

Watch a new Daily Monster come to life based on a random blob of ink every day! A new Monster will appear every morning at 7am Pacific time!

コメント (5)
  • @Parmesana
    I also see two people.. The one on the left is fuming angry and the anger is so strong that is blows back the hair of the 2nd guy.
  • between 1:19 and 1:26 i caught myself talking (or at least muttering) out loud at the screen, willing you to put the air duster down before you overcooked the blot! thankfully you stopped in just the right place though. i then saw a sort of crab/spider critter, with the sticky-out green bits as huge mandibles, but i love what you decided to do with it instead. it's getting really hard to keep track of which monster i'd call my favourite of the season, now that there have been so many, but this is a contender.
  • Gregory always found children difficult. Especially when (as often seemed to happen) they accused him of stealing their sweets. VERY especially when that accusation was absolutely correct.
  • Hy, I see two friends arguing. I think the little boy is very upset that his friend has broken something, as he points with his finger to his back. His friend goes green realizing that, yes, he was wrong this time. Ha ha, I like this game of imagination; I like how you paint, Everything. Keep going.