The girl completed the fish cage floating on the water.

Published 2024-07-25
#TrieuthiDuong#Girl #fishing#
The girl makes a fish cage frame out of bamboo and floating iron. Complete the fish cage floating on the water.

All Comments (21)
  • @Gardenlife994
    Thank you for sharing today's video, I really like it
  • Bonjour, en tant que papi, je ne parlerais pas de la "plastique" de ces jeunes femmes, mais de la compétence, niveau bricolage, jardinage, et culinaire (héritage de leurs mères et grands mères !! Une chose que l'on ne voit plus dans certains de nos pays dits civilisés, puisque l'achat de repas sous vide est facilité par les grands magasins ! Chapeau Mesdames ! Un retraité de France.
  • Hi, good evening IDOL, 🌹🌹🌹💋. I've been a fisherman before, I've build a fish pen before but, the biggest problem is the thief and robbers. There are thief and robbers here in place. I want to build again but you can only create trouble. Better none. Hehehe hehehe ❤️💋🌹🌹🌹.
  • Wow, your little kingdom is coming along. Great you’re really sitting yourself up for a great life you’ll be able to get back to fishing soon I love your channel. You’re such a great person.🌺🌼🌸♥️🥰
  • Good Morning Gorgeous Duong , I am so glad to see you again today and I hope you are doing well and having a fantastic day today Beautiful Lady 😊❤ !
  • All the small fish you catch and trap you can now grow them bigger in one of your nets - that is called Fish Farming good luck 👍
  • @ColvinNurse
    Love your Channel Duong. I am impressd with your abilities. Hope we will be shown the final completed build. All the best wishes for your future life, and ambitions
  • Olá Duong, esse novo tanque de criações dos peixes ficou muito bom ! Gostaria de ver como fará a sua mudança e como vai desfazer da antiga construção !
  • Hello Duong... little by little everything is returning to its place, you must surely be impatient to go back to fishing lol.❤❤❤
  • @arnostoermer3563
    Das hast Du schön gemacht! Ich danke Dir!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • You have given me surprises with so many fish harvesting skills, you are quick and skillful and have harvested big fish, take care of your health and God always bless you ❤👍
  • @maxgrey435
    By golly, you think of everything Trieu. i like the simple way you tightened the knots holding the drums to the frame. very effective. You have come a long way. Credit to you. best of good health!!
  • @teamFB
    Hola "Thi". Ya completaste tu jaula para peces. Enhorabuena. Me gustaba más sin la cortina final de colores. Ahora podrás criar muchos peces y venderlos. Estoy triste por la antigua casa en ruinas. Me he acordado de cuánto tiempo te costó construirla y era bonita. Al no ser metálica, se adaptaba mejor a la naturaleza. Pasa un buen día. 🙁😮
  • Hari lepas hari aktifitasnya ga jauh dari air pergi kepasar membeli segala macam kebutuhan untuk peliharaannya terus kembali pulang dan langsung ditindak lanjuti demi profesinya sebagai youtubers, semoga sukses ya dan jangan lupa luangkan waktu untuk istirahat agar stamina Duong selalu prima oke! ❤🎉😊
  • @chenjdw
    It is sad to see your hand-built and beautiful bamboo house falling apart after more than one year. But it has served its purpose, enabling you to move on to your next phase of adventure. However, it is unnerving to watch the majestic and beautiful lake keep losing its water as the rainy season is still going on. It is interesting to see Amazon making delivery of its packages even in this remote area.
  • @nikolajc7617
    I love your floating daily life Duong.🏠:yougotthis::goodvibes:🤗🥰:face-red-heart-shape:
  • You did a fantastic job on your new house you are truly talented you are great at everything you do
  • Ich bin begeistert .Ich will bei dir Urlaub machen .Aber eine Sache noch .Wohin gehst du aufs Klo ?