A Reformed Baptist Becomes Catholic - Marcy Kelleher

Marcy Kelleher grew up a strong Christian in the Reformed Baptist tradition. In college, she'd have vigorous debates with other Christian friends, and it led her to wonder about why Christians were divided on key issues. She was also challenged by a professor to examine why she believed what she believed, and that took her deeper into questions of Scripture, history, and the sacraments. Eventually, she and her husband felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit to become Catholic, and entered the Church together shortly after they got married.

Learn more about Marcy's handmade dolls at www.marzipantz.com/.

For more stories like Marcy's, visit www.chnetwork.org/.

コメント (21)
  • I was a Baptist for my first 21 years of life, and then I got curious about Catholicism. Eventually I realized it's a double standard to trust the Church when she says "these are the books which belong in scripture" but then ignore the Church when she says "and this is what the Scriptures mean." I'm getting confirmed and having my first communion this weekend. Praise be to God!
  • @ivorybow
    I was raised Southern Baptist...in the south. There was strong prejudice against Catholics and we were taught in church quite horrible things about Catholics. I grew up to get a degree in Anthropology, and I learned this protestant prejudice came down from Henry VIII who waged a war against the Church when he created the church of England. Being Catholic then was fatal, and both the Church and Catholics were vilified, persecuted. This cultural position became a part of Protestant culture and remains today. I recall my grandmother telling me very bad things about the Church. Nonetheless, due to the beautiful call of Mary, I converted in 2002. I am so happy in my conversion.
  • Awesome story!! I was born cradle catholic, later left the church looking for God and the true church. Went to various churches, denominations etc...met my wife in college, who was a devote methodist. Years 7 years ago she was praying and the holy spirit came to her, and said to her time to come home! She questioned it, then one day went to adoration, and she heard a voice tell her welcome home. She entered RCIA and became catholic. I then followed and came back home and have never looked back. So in love with my catholic faith!!
  • @timboslice980
    I was baptized methodist and stayed with that church despite leaning calvinist for about 10 years. I was just confirmed catholic this year and I feel so incredibly confident about it. Feels like I found the true church amen!😊
  • I used to be an independent Baptist. No one Catholic . My wife is Catholic . My We Twin boys 13 years old . We are the daughter 15 years old. We are all Catholic . I feel away, and I came back. Get all my confessions, going to mass every Sunday, taking the whole week communion. One of the things I enjoy going to Sunday mass is taking the holy communion. Every week, when it gets close to Sunday, I get excited. I want to go to maso on Sunday.
  • Great testimony.. As a Protestant I wasn't aware what I was missing by not being Catholic. I later found out the wonder of the Catholic faith and one of the best kept secrets of Christianity which is Catholicism. All those trips to Italy and my wife got me converted. When I say trips to Italy it was going in the Catholic Churches there and praying and seeing the fruits of Catholic prayer is what got me converted. Before I was aimless spiritually that's not to blame Protestantism I know many very Holy Protestants with some great Churches but Catholic is for me. I believe the Saints Converted me
  • Some of the best Catholics I know were former Protestants!! May God continue to bless you on your faith journey. I’m a revert to the faith after being Southern Baptist. I loved my time there but now I have the most beautiful and amazing faith ever in Catholicism! ❤️❤️❤️🙏
  • Was raised in a strong Baptist home and converted when I was 50 yrs old. I’m so blessed to be home.
  • Welcome Home My Sister in Christ! May the Grace of God and the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
  • I too had an epiphany of historical Christianity as you did ...history isn't an illusion, but a mirror of reality!
  • I too came from a devout Baptist upbringing to become a joyful Catholic. God bless you for sharing your testimony. 🙏🏼🎚🙏🏼
  • It's been my experience that converts like Marcy become the most enthusiastic and fierce proponents of the Catholic faith. I'm a cradle Catholic and my wife converted from a non-denominational church and she is on fire for the Catholic faith. Catholics can definitely learn a thing or two about evangelizing from our protestant brothers and sisters
  • I grew up in the Episcopal church, then became Evangelical, then left Christianity entirely. I explored Eastern religions, and Pagan rituals before I was pulled toward the Catholic faith, by the Blessed Mother and the Rosary. Finally I was officially welcomed into the Catholic Church at the age of 62! The lifelong journey was worth it, especially since the Blessed Mother came into the picture, more than 20 years ago. She never gave up on me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @dannyh010
    Welcome home! I started nodding and grinning when you mentioned John 6. One night, I had left RCIA class after just learning the Real Presence and thinking, "Nope, that's crazy." But I kept reflecting and pondering, and it's like a small voice whispered what you said in my head: why so angry if it's just symbolic? Boom. I was done. I cried myself to sleep that night. I had found home (May, 2005).
  • Hey!! I’m a baptist who became Catholic!!
  • The Eucharist is what is pulling me that way. We went to an Anglican Church for a couple years and now I don’t want anything that isn’t the Eucharist every time we gather.
  • I joined the Roman Catholic Church in 2017. What I would like to emphasize to any Protestant is that you do not have a complete picture of Christianity until you explore the complete and true history of the Roman Catholic Church. Not just the information that your pastor or minister tells you.
  • Great faith woman. You did it right! Praise God for his love faith, and hope has restored you home safely.
  • My wife and I converted from Baptist to Catholic, confirmation on my birthday, April 16, 2006. I had no idea it would happen until I studied my way into the Church. Yes, continuous study of the scriptures, prayers, study of commentaries, Church Fathers, history, and good debate between skilled Catholic apologists with Protestant apologists, and God's Grace lead me home to the Roman Catholic Church. The sacraments are such a blessing to the Christian. But I am forever grateful to my Protestant family, brothers and sisters, who so sincerely and faithfully taught me the scriptures, prayed for and encouraged me all my life growing up. They did the best they knew how.
  • She loved the Truth so much she found it! She found Christ ❤️✝️