MORE Deep Rock Galactic's Hidden Mechanics

Published 2021-01-30

All Comments (21)
  • @dblundz
    did you know if you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home ?
  • Did you know: The extraction point rocket will "warm" your freeze meter when you launch it
  • @Derethevil
    "Loot bugs are not all great though, they eat mineral chunks." Yes. They do. And they multiply it by a factor of 1,5 on release. So essentially you mine everything, let them eat everything and have 1,5x more minerals from what you would get when you pick them up yourself. It's just not worth it, because they take ages to eat everything.
  • @TheAkkart
    Combining effects of drinks can ensure hilarity. Flintlock's Delight, followed by a Wormhole chaser launches you around space, most of the time.
  • @AniKhang
    That “holding E” bit is so good, I had no idea about it. I’ll have to give it a try next time I’m playing
  • @davidbender335
    Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but Bosco can mine off the tips of Beamers during escort duty. If you select the tips with the laser pointer, he treats them like compacted dirt.
  • Yeah, I'll say Temperature Shock is a little known mechanic. The number of times I've had scouts get mad at me for torching frozen enemies is ridiculous.
  • @mattvoelker241
    "You can order Bosco to protect Doretta, which it will proceed to do a poor job of." Right?
  • @warriorfire8103
    Funny enough, the heating on the minigun used to work a little different. Whenever you restarted the firing, it would get an extra burst of heat. So it was actually more efficient to keep firing for longer periods then to fire in burst. Gunner's would actually tap fire the minigun to build up to red for fire bullets more quickly.
  • @TurboToxin
    If you use the grapple glitch to escape the drop pod, it will reduce your survival bonus. However, you can use it to walk around within the drop pod safely.
  • 1:26 I believe that the reason why this happens is that when YOU launch a mission by waiting in the drop pod, you’ve already selected your class (same as when you are in a game somebody else is hosting, and the host launches the mission by waiting in the drop pod), so you’re locked into that class. When you join a public game in progress, however, you have not yet spawned in as your class and are therefore not locked into it yet, so you are free to change your class while waiting for the mission to load. This isn’t made clear by anything in the game, but I’ve tested it to see if it works the way I’ve described, and it seems to.
  • Small note with Bosco's guard mode: IF you told Bosco to guard Dotty, Bosco will not cease guarding Dotty until you call him back to you (even if you ask him to mine something, he will return to guard duty once that mining is done, EVEN IF Dotty has lost her head, he will continue to guard Dotty's body, but not the head).
  • Heat spread is temperature shock’s lesser known cousin, if a bug is on fire, it will slowly contribute towards filling the heat meter of nearby bugs, this is most useful when kiting swarmers through a praetorian that’s on fire while you’re playing scout. Also, if you hold the button for your pickaxe and take a resupply without letting go, you will continue to use your pickaxe during the resupply, you can use this and a form of defense while resupplying in a bad spot, I’ll admit it’s rarely useful but it has saved my bacon a few times
  • @Niskara
    Here's one I noticed you didn't mention and I'm sure most people already know this but in the glacial map, if you're falling from a great height, aim for the snow piles, the ones that slow you down. It'll mostly negate the fall damage if you hit it right Another thing, if the drop pod is getting ready to start the mission and you repeatedly go in and out of the drop pod, the countdown tone will deepen in pitch, and if you do it a few more times, the gate will shut as soon as you enter the pod
  • @seraphoncobus
    You should share this on the drg subreddit if you haven't already
  • I'm pretty sure this is currently a bug: If you're on a pipeline with unconstructed sections (the pipeline cam be connected to the pumpjack, but this is not necessary), tapping the E key while grinding over the interactable segment that needs construction will give you a significant speed boost. The window is a little bit tight but I do enjoy using it to quickly traverse a cave.
  • @canalwuachulero
    There is a way to accelerate while grinding on a pipe. You have to press E (without looking at the pipe) right before a node (with the wrench icon),almost over it, and you will gain lots of speed.
  • @wuzz111
    You can quickly defeat an OMEN with engineer by making a stack of platforms to roughly the middle of the tower and placing a bunch of proximity mines