This Video Will END Your P%RN Addiction‼️ A Perspective You Have Never Heard.


コメント (21)
  • It's a whole lot more easier said than done, Maya. I'll give you a even deeper insight when we have our online conversation... it actually stems from deep loneliness...stemming from the female agenda...
  • Daily meditation is an excellent habit. Try doing it for 10 minutes after waking up and for 10 minutes again before bedtime.
  • I got weights in my room. Had to get rid of my guitars. I don't even enjoy video games anymore. Going for a walk is increasingly difficult. Windows XP shutting down... 🖤🥀
  • @bm4680
    Watching this video brought back memories... I remember the moment when I stopped drinking alcohol on a regular basis. I noticed the thought popping up in my mind and it was something along the lines of let's go buy some beer. Since that moment onward I stopped drinking beer on a regular basis during weekends. I may drink a beer in a social situation sometimes, but I'm no longer craving it. It's amazing the freedom that you get from seeing thoughts as they pop up and not really acting on them. In other words not really identifying with these thoughts. Great content Magicmaya!
  • 2 days after I choose to refrain from masterbation and did my best to adjust a very negative mind set, I ended up triggering a spontaneous kundalini awakening, from one genuine thought/intention I casted out to where ever it needed to go, conscious intention dose go a long way
  • for a lot of people out there, this video wont end anything, cause just like every other addiction, most ppl dont have the willpower to quit
  • There's some really good points made here. Especially questioning an urge when you have it. And creating a new definition - don't let the word "addiction" take your power away.
  • Good talk Maya, it reminds me of sexual transmutation Napoleon Hill writes about in his book. Where did you learn about this stuff? I believe you missed one very important point though. You see I run a business, I do yoga, meditation, CrossFit, I garden, cook etc. And yet once une a while I find myself « leaking my energy »… the reason is simple, loneliness. I think less guys would find themselves trapped if dating and meeting people wasn’t so messed up…
  • Look at it this way guys, think of all that time you've already wasted on pron, time you could have spent learning anything from carpentry to attaining a gym physique, or writing an autobiography if you have led an interesting life, which In turn bring satisfaction which brings peace through learning it's why we are here to learn and master our compassion and empathy for all life, de ja vu how many times we been here before🤔😁
  • @fifty1971
    I was able to quit nicotine just recently, step 2 quitting lewd content and thoughts. Next, bs social media platforms that dont serve me. lets go! wish me luck
  • Well said. Things always have two sides, one that drag us down and the other as a step to be overcome for the better.
  • Your watching them have all the fun. Let that sink in!
  • I’m not sure if you look at the comments, however, I find it very refreshing and inspiring to see a woman truly trying to understand and help men with one of the most detrimental societal struggles of the modern age. The fact that you are so articulate and conscious of not only your own thought processes, but also the thought processes on larger mass scale is quite impressive. We need more people like you to help society at large break free from the prison of our minds and modern convenience that is contributing to the weakness of our current generations. Fantastic!!! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
  • Damn. Maya is so brilliant. I can not believe how amazing she is
  • This video did help. Thank you. I was right in the last video. Maya is a very cute female mouse and must be protected and cherished. I don't know who said this about porn but it doesn't matter what matters is is that it was said: Nofap doesn't or quitting porn or masturbating to porn doesn't give you "superpowers" it just takes away from your kryptonite. Unless you have gone at least 30 days without masturbating to porn you are literally wearing a kryptonite. Gentlemen, save your seed, recharge your batteries and destroy the porn industry. The porn industry could care less if you filled a whole swimming pool with semen. You are just wasting your self and then get depleted. When you are depleted you need to sleep 5+ hours just to recover from the last porn "hangover". It's a vicious cycle. All your motivation, ideas and what you can do gets forgotten. Knock it off. You got this :D