Two years ago we flooded a forest- now it's full of life

Two years ago we flooded a forest and since then this place has undergone an extreme transformation that has been beautiful to witness. We hope you enjoyed the ride so far!

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0:00 Intro
1:02 Winter
1:24 First flood
2:32 Eggs clutches
5:35 The plants
10:36 Helping BROZ
12:13 May floods

Over recent decades, large swathes of Slovakia’s wetlands have been lost. They have been drained to make way for agriculture as a result of the construction of dams for hydroelectric power, as well as for timber production. Wetlands are an integral part of the Danube floodplain landscape in Slovakia and draining them to plant trees has detrimental impacts on the environment. Wetlands store large amounts of carbon and are home to a diversity of plant and animal species that are specially adapted to the wet conditions. One of these species is the nationally endangered and endemic Pannonian root vole, which has declined drastically in Slovakia in response to disappearing wetlands. This project will turn forest back into a wetland by digging 650 meters of ditches. This will kickstart a “flood” of change and bring back a healthy functioning, sustainable and wilder ecosystem.

Read more about this project here:

コメント (21)
  • If you think this project is worth supporting then be sure to check out our membership . It is truly what makes it all possible!
  • I love that you can point to this wetland and say "This ecological conservation project saved lives by mitigating torrential deadly floods."
  • This project was how I initially started with Mossy Earth, glad to see it's doing well
  • Seasonal flood lands are an underrated habitat tbh. So much biodiversity.
  • Amphibians just can't stop winning with this project. How are the birds around there?
  • As a Slovakian, Thank you very much, all the members, for buying this land out of our government. It is in much better hands now.
  • When people say we can't do anything to help Earth, I point directly to this channel. Incredible work!
  • After hearing the story about how this project absorbed much of the flood water, does that mean this project potentially saved some people's lives, or at least prevented a lot of destruction? That's one heck of a selling point you could give politicians in areas prone to flooding greatly increasing the rate of flood land restoration.
  • I think it's terribly important to talk about the flood-mitigating aspect like you did here. So often, people get it in their heads that restoration or conservation is completely about humans taking a loss in some way so that other life forms (whom they generally deem lesser than humans) can gain something. But while that may look true at the zoomed-in level, zooming out shows that we can all gain benefits from trying to create this balance! Other places were not flooded because the water had somewhere to go, and the flora and fauna who live in that place benefited from receiving that water. If every place that deals with dangerous flooding tried something like this, who knows what kind of benefits we might see!
  • @KingAenti
    My homecountry (Switzerland) is rewilding rivers for exactly the reason you mentioned in the end: to protect from floods. The river in my town is being rewilded at the moment and it's already so much more beautiful.
  • Amazing how a little provision can make such a huge difference. Well done.
  • "The reason these wetlands are so important is that they act like a nursery." Amazingly put. Thank you!
  • The most impressive part of this organization is the way that you return to projects and report on actual impact rather than on your output. It;s the difference between measuring "number of trees planted" and "hectares of actual habitat restored".
  • @drtrimbo
    I’ll say it again and again, the £5 out of my account every month to be a member makes me happier than anything else. This is a great mission and I thoroughly enjoy catching up with all of the projects
  • When I heard of the danube floods in Germany, I immediately thought of this project and how similar projects probably could have helped many other areas too. Great work!
  • It might sound weird or even overly virtuous, but nonetheless, seeing this makes me so proud to contribute to this
  • @kenwarner
    Not sure how this video popped up in my recommendations but this was SUPER interesting and really well produced. Makes me proud knowing my fellow humans are out in the world doing things like this. Cheers!
  • @BaneRain
    Would you ever consider setting up semi-permanent underwater cameras and leave a livestream up for people to see? That camera footage was so nice.
  • this year's flood's even better than last year! and it's good to see the species thriving (congrats on finding a Smooth Newt, mate).
  • The way you presented the 'silver lining' of a deadly flood was well done. Much respect. ❤