刀塔传奇 Stage 4 - 9

Published 2014-07-16
Stage 4: Continue saving energy of extra heroes for later use. My lich and dp 100% energy next stage so I can spam them freely. But I can mirana ulti to interrupt enemy's troll.

Stage 5: Continue saving energy. Use enchuantress ulti as early as possible to let her energy regen in the middle of the fight, cause' I have high energy regen so I don't mind.

Stage 6: Start to use main heroes when you finish saving energy for extra heroes.

Stage 7: Killer hero No.1: Troll Warlord. Mirana ulti can stop his throwing axe. Press ulti to stop him when troll is skilling (orange aura under him). I can spam dp ulti freely because I have high energy regen. If you wan to spam, you have to make sure she last hit all the hero so that she is full energy next turn. DP MUST MAX ENERGY EVERY TURN.

Stage 8: DP and lich must use ulti together or else lich will go in front to tank. We let dp tank but not lich.

Stage 9: Stop troll skilling by mirana ulti. Mirana is important to stop troll late game.

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