Phantoms? In This Economy? | War Thunder


コメント (21)
  • @Ash007YT
    War Thunder in this economy? Bah that'll be $75USD plz.
  • yup, that's me, always getting the cool plane after it's already been power-crept
  • @Skoodelly
    It's hilarious how this utter disappointment of an aircraft sits at the same br as the j7e 💀
  • I love how Gaijin just stacks ALMOST all missile matchups for Russia for no historical reason whatsoever
  • @FirstDagger
    F-4E's carried AIM-9L in real life, I think she needs those.
  • @HengyOfficial
    just reminded me about the saddest phantoms. the uk ones
  • They should add upgrade kits similar to what is on the 2s6 that modernizes any aircraft that recieved modernization. Later in its service life, the F-4E got PD radar, and better missiles. This should be a mod availible for research in a new rank V part of the modifications that grants it access to its better weaponry, but moves it from 11.0 to 11.3/.7
  • @j100j
    It's just crazy how F-4s go up against F-16s and F-15s. Even the F-4J vs F-14A seems quite bad and those are only 0.3 br apart.
  • I’m just worried about the f4f ice bc I can genuinely see it being 12.0 if not higher and that’ll be a STRUGGLE
  • From my recent experience with the matchmaking, US planes at 11.0 virtually always get 11.3 into their games because everyone and their dog plays either the MiG-23ML or the F-4S. Tech tree that are not the US and Soviets have it somewhat easier and it is possible to not see 11.3 even around that bracket, but again, there is a ton of F-4S and MiG-23ML queued at any given time of day, so the chances are stacked against you.
  • 4 vulcan cannons is all a man needs, this is THE aircraft
  • @colRobinOlds
    This thing is a menace in sim. Realistic battles however... They recently nerfed the internal guideance on 7E2s, arguably the last thing F-4E had going for it, as much as I love this plane, I don't play it anymore. War thunder as a whole, for that matter.
  • @turbolose2593
    Japanese F4EJ is even worse. No agile eagle, aim 7E instead of E2, and worse RWR, that cannot even tell you that you're locked by R24R user.
  • @e_sd
    you should try to play an F-5E (or any other F-5) and try to get an air to air kill with the maverick
  • @pocketwingman
    i personally love the F-4E, if my profile didnt make it obvious. loved it when it first came out and still love using it right now. but I have to agree today's meta does make it kind of underwhelming, but it's what worked for me and I have fun in it
  • @Harryw007
    The F4E Kurnass 2000 solves all of these problems! 6x Python 3 missiles (very good 40G all-aspect missiles, only drawback is no IRCCM, works great if you fire during a head-on 1-2km away as they cannot react in time to flare) 290(!) countermeasures, more than the F15, due to the countermeasure pods, can just spam flares for days One of the best PD radars in the game Only drawback is the lack of radar missiles and a 0.3 br increase over the normal F4e - well worth it though! It is one of my favourite aircraft in the game to fly
  • @csii6478
    I spaded the F4E recently and it wasn’t too bad of a grind. The good thing about this plane still has it is now one of the better CAS planes for USA top tier because you can still drop the GBU’s over mach 1.