'Big Short' traders say gold is one of their top longs

Porter Collins & Vincent Daniel, Seawolf Capital co-founders and Danny Moses join 'Fast Money' to talk the economy, markets, and more.

コメント (21)
  • 3 years ago, I started investing with $300k, but I've only made about 6% total, or 2% per year, which my friends say is very low. I also put $800k into a 401k with a financial advisor, and it's now worth about $1.2 million after 10 years. I think I need to revamp my portfolio, perhaps majorly gold might be a good option (not sure) . Any advice on what to do with my money would be greatly appreciated.
  • Just discovered your channel with this video -- case studies are extremely useful and I'd like to see more in the future! Creating wealth entails establishing routines, such as setting aside funds at regular intervals for sound investments.
  • @olegp2420
    This is from last week, why post it now?
  • Shorting a company like Microstrategy is how you lose your shirt lmao
  • I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Victoria Wiezorek.
  • if you're paying a manager 2% of your assets + a chunk of the profits, and that manager top idea is Gold, you gotta leave.
  • Just watched the video where the 'Big Short' traders are singing gold’s praises as one of their top picks. 🤔💰 Well, I’ve got $75k in my emergency fund just waiting for action, and now I’m thinking gold might be the way to go. Should I follow the gold rush trend or is this just another shiny distraction? I don’t want to be the fool who bought high and ended up with a bunch of glittery rocks!
  • @nobnoba
    When smart money says: long gold, hate dollar. Do they mean buy Physical Gold or buy etf, on paper? Brcause as it turns out, there is cost associated to buying and selling physical gold. Example, there is a spread between buy/sell price which is quite large
  • Glad to see Vincent half right and kudo's to him for coming on and owning up, but yeah I'm glad I still have my MSTR and BTC long positions ~same timeframe (Q4 23 initial allocations). I am very bullish BTC/MSTR for the second half of 24. I'm really rolling with Porter; everything he said and I see a point where I allocate more to precious metals going forward if my macro scenarios ~pan out. Back to Vincent, I philosophically hope U continues to gain traction as THE dense energy solution to fuel the electrification kick the world seems to be on although I do not currently have a position, U is on my watchlist for plausible allocation going forward. As for Danny's picks, I am just not interested in either credit or sports gambling as those are not my things to follow or be enthused about. Thanks to y'all for this segment it was entertaining :).
  • @nl5703
    Why didnt he talk about his large Epididymis?
  • Lol snakes. Said he keep Bitcoin to keep your confidence up while he's shorting it.
  • Evolution AB will do better than Genius Sports. Much more attractive chart too.
  • UPST will 🚀🚀🚀 when interest rate cut happen and he will have to cover at a super high price
  • @BM-qn6fg
    Anybody who has been long Bitcoin has been saying this message for years. All of a sudden these geezers say it and it’s news.
  • lol. With all their “expertise” all they can think of is gold. 😂
  • Short TSLA & MSTR is mindless, so simple to not bet against the cult, the market is volume driven