What's so COOL About Siberian Forest Cats?

Siberian Forest Cats are a beloved breed of domestic cat for many reasons. Find out all about why these cats are so amazing in this informational video featuring our cats Kitsune and Maneki.

Did you learn something new in this video? Let us know in the comments below! What do you think is the coolest fact about Siberian Forest cats?

Siberians make excellent adventure cats. Subscribe to our channel for more educational videos like this, adventure vlogs, and cute cat clips. Don't forget to boop the notification bell to stay up to date with all of our videos!

About Siberian Cats - informational sources:
   • SIBERIAN CAT - Characteristics, Care ...  
   • Video  

#siberiancats101 #siberian #siberiancats

Kitsune T-shirts and other swag






Send Kitsune Cool stuff:
[email protected]

Physical Mail
J-me Pritchett
PO BOX 5132
Dillon, CO 80435


Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom.

The maneki-neko (Japanese, literally "beckoning cat") is a common Japanese figurine which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The figurine depicts a cat beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses.


Adventure Cat Gear
One of the most common questions we get is about the gear we use. Feel free to browse the links below if you want to buy the same equipment and if you have any questions, always feel free to ask us in the comments or send us an email!


Our preferred leashes are homemade - 50 foot paracord wrapped on a spool made for rock climbing - one thing we want to note is that we broke off the little tab in front of the sharp metal edge tool and took the blade out. We did not want to take any chances accidentally cutting ourselves or the cats!

Adventure Cat Backpacks - sold by our web store!



~Music Credits~
Title: I Love You
Artist: Vibe Tracks
Music from YouTube Audio Library [Aka YAL]
Music provided by RFM:    • Video  

コメント (20)
  • Someone in my neighborhood has a fluffy black and white cat that looks a lot like a Siberian. When I go for a walk in the evening, the cat runs up to me and makes a melodious trilling noise. I think it's his way of saying "hello", like a friendly neighbor.
  • I always say I was raised by a Siberian Forest Cat (tortoise with white paws and a curly orange tummy). She was present for my first 15 years of life and she was a constant companion. So smart, she taught herself to use the toilet, and she opened doors. She used to snuggle up in bed with me, but knew that if my parents found her, she would end up outside for the night, so just as they started up the stairs, my cat would get under the bed and be completely silent, until my parents had opened the door to inquire if I had seen the cat! After they left, she would get back under the covers and puff like a tractor! Truly the best cat I ever had, and I still miss her daily, 37 years after her death.
  • My Siberian cat scares me all the time! I can never hear him and he pops out of nowhere. He's such a big one and he follows me literally everywhere.
  • @SN-wi6nn
    I have a Siberian too and he is the sweetest cat I’ve ever had. Just as said in the video, he follows me everywhere too, he absolutely loves water sometimes plays with it for an hour He is such a loving friend in my life
  • My Siberian cat is very well known in my neighborhood, he is extremely loving and friendly. Have in mind they are amazing hunters so they could bring anything you can think of from a sneak to a rabbit. Mine loves car rides and he hops right in my car when you open the door. Sometimes I feel like I have a dog instead of a cat.
  • @Nanamo0n
    We just got a 10 week old female Siberian kitten. I’ve had cats all my life, but my husband is allergic to them. So we got this one. She is amazingly funny and very smart. I just picked her up from the breeder and during my 2 day drive home , we bonded. We’ve had her for a week and my husband has no allergy symptoms. She sleeps with us and our dog. He wants to play, but she’s aloof around him. She’s queen of the house! 😂😻
  • @MSM4U2POM
    All cats are fabulous, but cold-climate forest cats are in a league of their own. The Silver Siberian is arguably the most beautiful of them all. If you've ever seen one, you'll know what I mean.
  • It's my first to be so affectionate with cats..because of these awesome Siberian breed...they are so warm and very entertaining especially in the morning when they come to wake you up persistently😅 love these furballs!
  • Our neighbour has one these cats , the cat came over nearly every day when I was recovering from shoulder surgery to keep me company they're very social indeed.
  • Oh, I love everything about them! They could not be any more beautiful.
  • My husband was adopted by a Siberian cat named Mister Chubbs. He was the coolest, sweetest, most loving, dog in a cat, best damn cat I ever had the pleasure of being a cat Mom to. He was deaf too, so you could sneak up on him, and he would trill so loud. What a great breed!!!
  • If you're looking for "the love of your life", this breed of cat will not let you down! We have a brother and sister that we adopted 5 years ago from a rescue, and we thought until recently they were probably Maine Coon. Once I started looking at info about Siberians, it was definite: We have 2 Siberians-who look almost identical to your two beautiful kitties. They are truly people-cats. (Our "little" lady is in my lap right this minute, at her insistence!) Many of our neighbors walk by our house just to ask if the cats can come play!! And our AirBNB guests rave about them in all the reviews.
  • I lost my wonderful Karma 18 months ago. After showing a few photos in a Facebook group, I was told my Karma was a Siberian and after watching this video, I know he was. He had all the characteristics, both physical and personality-wise. I've missed Karma so much, and now I know what to look for when I adopt again. Thanks so much for posting this video!
  • I ended up with my Siberian on accident. He was once a member of the booming stray population in the small town my parents moved to. They spent the summer providing food and such and then, one day in late fall, my mom was finally able to pick him up and bring him inside. Well, the incumbent cat didn't like him, so he was "given" to me. Even having grown up around cats, I was NOT prepared for this breed. Needy is an understatement. He literally sits on the table and watches for me to home from school and the way he follows me everywhere cracks me up sometimes... especially when I've made more than two trips to the same room because I keep forgetting something. He's only 4ish but I'm going to be so crushed when he passes away... I generally detest the idea of going to a breeder and advocate for adopting from a shelter. But I'm now a loyal convert to owning Siberians, so if I can't find one in a shelter I'll find a breeder. That luxurious coat is enough by itself to make me seek them out.
  • @suel4378
    I got 2 by accident, they are absolutely wonderful loving, sweet animals, & they are funny too, & actually like to be funny for you.
  • I have had cats for decades, and there has never been a cat that didnt come to us. There has always been an abundance of animals around me that needed rescuing and I have never had the need to seek one out. My most fortunate cat came to us on new years day and he was my closest friend and most wonderful companion. Juanchan was a Siberian, and if ever I had to choose a cat it would definitely be a Siberian hands down.
  • We lived in Moscow for a few years to work. As part of our "bribe" for our kids' move, we promised a dog and a cat. We got our Eastern Shepherd first as a puppy and then found out that there was a litter of kittens under a guard shack in the neighborhood. My wifed pulled out a beautiful black and white kitten who has been with us now for 17 years. Through our frequent moves, we were asked to identify the breed of cat. At first, we thought she was a Norwegian Forest Cat; however, a vet told us she was too small for a Norwegian. We discovered later that she is a Siberian Forest Cat, which makes perfect sense now. What a great cat! She outlived her Shepherd sister and is still going strong.
  • What beautiful cats! I didn’t know anything about this breed. Thanks for this video.