‘I will not be silent’, Kamala Harris tells Netanyahu - but is US policy on Israel shifting?

Published 2024-07-25
Kamala Harris signalled a major shift in Gaza policy on Thursday as she urged Benjamin Netanyahu to finalise a peace deal, telling him she had “serious concern” over casualties.

Ms Harris hosted the Israeli prime minister at the White House for a meeting that was closely watched for signs of how she might change American policy on Israel if she becomes president.

Welcoming Mr Netanyahu to her ceremonial office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, the vice president said they had a “frank and constructive meeting”.

Ms Harris said she reiterated her “unwavering commitment” to the US ally’s security, but she also made her concerns about Gaza’s dire humanitarian situation clear.

“We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent,” Ms Harris said.

She called for a deal to release the hostages kidnapped during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel that launched the war.

Read more here: www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/07/25/us-elec…

#Israel #kamalaharris #netanyahu

All Comments (21)
  • Release the Epstein list and this all goes away.... The black mail is tragic obviously
  • @BrandyHeng007
    During election runs , politicians need to talk what voters wants to hear as its easier to fool people than to convince them.
  • @abergreg
    I'm sure that she was given several carefully scripted things to say and Netanyahu will ignore her anyway.
  • This woman cannot give this simple statement without looking at her notes every second??…if she truly had these conversations with the prime minister surely she would know these points by heart
  • @SamSpodofora
    Democrats really scraped the bottom of the barrel selecting Harris
  • @jesuschrist02
    More lip service no solutions to real life problems. Just bla bla bla
  • @gozitan5
    Just giving lip service to the masses.
  • @enigma7791
    Letting Harris anywhere near this flashpoint is like pouring petrol on it!
  • @papapold
    Why is it every country says they have a deal but nothing changes!!! This is a political stunt she couldn’t arrange her own birthday party!!
  • Democrat is just notorius of saying something and enact the exact opposite of what was said.
  • @charau5104
    She's a puppet following a script. LET'S GO TRUMP ❤
  • @DTJ2024
    There will never be a permanent end to hostility as long as Islam exists