Why did the American Civil War Actually Happen? #history #civilwar #documentary


コメント (21)
  • @WakenAngels
    Algorithm is SUS for showing me this while im watching Civil War
  • @redt7452
    My dad admitted to me he still supports the south and the confederate cause in 2024. I told him I read Ulysses S. Grants book and he told me to not show my face at his house anymore. I proudly accepted his offer. I was in the military for 6 years and I am proud to have served with any sort of black, Hispanic, Asian or Filipino people. Blatant racism like that infuriates me beyond anything. Edit: I appreciate the support to those that have given it! I also appreciate everyone who disagrees because it shows your true character and intentions for everyone to see. And to those saying this didn’t happen, were you there with me when my father told me this? Did you serve with me in the Navy? Were you overseas with me or on the high seas with me with my brothers and sisters in arms? Nah, just a bunch of cowards and shit talkers.
  • @dlsamson
    Let's take a moment to consider that Dred Scott technically made slavery legal in all of the states. You might not be able to buy or sell a slave in Vermont but you could buy one in Virginia & keep him/her as a slave in Vermont.
  • @CJGuy01
    Forgot to mention the novel Uncle Tom that fueled much of the Abolitionist Movement against slavery.
  • @MadZwe1
    Remember, if anyone tries to retort with “states right”, reply with “to do what”
  • Southern slaveholders were mad that there would be no expansion of slavery, to the West. Every Rebel state constitution said it was about slavery.
  • @la225j
    The South: We will fight for the right to force other people to do our work for us😅😅
  • YouTube showing me this literally a day after the final episode of checkmate Lincoinites released 😂
  • Combination of slavery, regional/cultural differences and identities, economics, and political power.
  • @kylehicks9018
    No one ever mentions that slavery was widespread, but only 2 countries fought wars over it following being banned by the Catholic Church, which bankrupted France and led to the Louisiana Purchase, and the US, which cost the South 1/3rd of their military aged men, and 100yrs of economic consequences. Much of this was because the Catholic Church condemned slavery in the early 1800s, and so many other nation's ended slavery by writ instead of conflict after that or around that time. The South never should have fought the lost cause. They're still held back by one of the dumbest decisions to fight ever.
  • @RomLoneWolf23
    Because the Southern States wouldn't give up their slaves, Duh.
  • @JPJ432
    Fun Fact about Russia: It was Russia who saved The Union during the American Civil War as they sent their Navy to San Francisco and New York when England and France were just about to enter the war on the side of the Confederates since London created the Confederates. France was already in Mexico making a spear head movement to resupply the Confederates and to open up a Pacific Theatre and to create a port in California. England already amassed 11,000 troops and growing stationed at their Northern Confederacies border now called Canada ready to open a Northern Theatre to divert Union troops away from their Southern Confederacy then to attack The Unions naval blockade. The Union would have been completely destroyed and annexed by those two great powers leaving the Confederates to exist as either a puppet state of London or to be fully brought back into the fold of the British Empire. London was already courting (threatening/bribing) other countries to get involved like Spain while Russia was in talks with Prussia to ally with incase London was to intervene. Seeing all of this Tsar Alexander II wrote a letter to Queen Victoria saying “If you enter in this war it will be a casus belli for all out war with the Russian Empire”. The stage was set for the 1st World War and Russia stopped it. There is also a memorial in San Francisco for the hundreds of Russian sailors who came off their Asiatic fleet ships that died while helping the city put out a fire that threatened to lay waste to it during the War.
  • Part of the conflict was a conflict between two economic systems. Chattel slavery and wage slavery.
  • @rickflose
    1845 was just the other day when you consider history
  • @apiii73
    Basically it was rich men believing they had the right to own other people. Believing they were superior of course.
  • Funny how James Buchanan didn't pick sides and let the country descend into more division and eventually into the horrors of the American civil war
  • They saw slaves as property which is protected under the constitution, their overreliance on slavery in their economy would inevitably lead to war given the sharp division on this issue
  • Its all about the money. Starting in the early 1800s, the North had more political, monetary, and voring power than the South, and used that to make slavery unviable. The end goal of this was to basically force the South into Unionizing with the North. At the time the "States" in The United States referenced the individual nationhood of each state, but by the mid-1800s the North and South behaved a lot like two economically competing nations in an EU-style confederation for the purposes of wider unity and geopolitics. The North and South were destined to go to war eventually. Plantation owners, not wanting to lose their lucrative slave plantations, used heavy propaganda to convince the Southern population at large that ending slavery would result in chaos and poverty for them (in that respect the slaveowners were correct). The South also relied heavily on conscripts, which were invariably poor and dissafected already.
  • In other words, it was about slavery. And people have been whinig about being denied the right to deny other people their rights ever since.
  • @dfire351
    As Lincoln put it, it was for the preservation of the union.