Why Hermione Wasn't in RAVENCLAW - Harry Potter Theory

Publicado 2020-05-05
Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. In this video, we’re going to be discussing Hermione, the sorting hat, and the hogwarts housing system. More specifically, we will be answering the question: Why wasn’t Hermione in Ravenclaw?

As we know, there are four hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has defining characteristics, and at the beginning of a students journey at Hogwarts, they are assigned to one of these four houses based on how well the students own character traits mesh with the principles of the house. The assign-ee of the Hogwarts houses is the fabled Sorting hat- a filthy, old, frayed, dirty hat that once belonged to Hogwarts founder Godric Gryffindor. The hat is extremely outspoken, and is praised by professors and students alike for its uncanny ability to assign houses to hogwarts students.

The founders of Hogwarts recognized that they each valued very different virtues, virtues which ended up leading to the defining attributes of each house. It was important to them that the houses they founded would continue to follow by the beliefs from which they were based.

But one thing that I have always wondered is: if Intelligence is the defining characteristic of Ravenclaw, then why wasn’t our very own Hermione Granger in Ravenclaw house? In the years that she spent at Hogwarts, she was widely considered to be ‘the brightest witch of her age’. Time and time again, she displayed lateral thinking, quickly adjusting to her circumstance or environment and overcoming all sorts of obstacles. Not only that, but she has an inquisitive and practical mind which allows her to constantly challenge the status-quo, frequently introducing new approaches to conventional methods of spell conjuring or potion making. She just exudes intelligence on so many levels, so again, why Ravenclaw?

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Hey guys! Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, please remember to like and subscribe. Which house would YOU place Hermione in? Why?
  • @wyldegi
    The scene where Hermione erases her parents’ memories of her gives me chills every time. She’s a very brave character.
  • @Terriblegam2r
    Even though Hermione is very clever, she is too close minded and judgemental to be in Ravenclaw. She judged Luna and Fleur before knowing them and she judged Divination before seeing if she would be interested in learning about it. She was also too headstrong with SPEW, and even though it was for a good cause, she didn't (and sometimes outright refused) to care about what anybody else thought about it and was sometimes rude to anyone who didn't 100% support her protest. A true Ravenclaw is willing to try new things and be open to different opinions and view points without harboring judgement at the start. They seek knowledge before all else so of course they couldn't be forming an opinion about something (or someone) before trying it out first. She's brave, a bit of a showoff, and is willing to disobey rules if it helps herself and her friends and family, and is willing to die for the greater good - like a Gryffindor. I think the sorting hat sorted her correctly.
  • @ilikemilk7833
    How Hogwarts students fix a lightbulb: 3 Hufflepuff’s carrying a ladder 1 Slytherin breaking the lightbulb 1 Gryffindor changing the lightbulb 1 Ravenclaw pointing out that they could’ve used magic
  • @celianunn2070
    One theory is that the Sorting Hat not only uses traits a child already has, but also who they wish to be. For example, Neville wasnt brave in the beginning, but he WANTED to be.
  • People have to understand that Ravenclaw isn't just the "smart house". Beeing a ravenclaw is also about creativity and acceptance. Hermoine is smart that is a fact, but she is so stubborn with the houselves and divination and I don't think she would make a good Ravenclaw. Stubborness and bravery are more fitting for a Griffindor if you ask me.
  • @oasis6710
    Teacher: What is the definition of machine? Hermione: A machine is a mechanical structure that uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action. They can also include computers and sensors that monitor performance and plan movement, often called mechanical systems. A ravenclaw: Basically what makes work easier
  • Rowling originally planned for Hermione to be in Ravenclaw and Ron to be in Hufflepuff. It's only when she continued the world building and created commons room's and such, she realized that there weren't enough chances for them to socialize if they were in different houses, so she put them all in the same house.
  • When I first began reading the Harry Potter books one of my first questions was “why isn’t Hermione in Ravenclaw?” But as I got through the books I noticed she struggled thinking outside of the box. She was amazingly intelligent but was too close/narrow minded.
  • @malayshah2969
    Why isn't Dumbledore Slytherin? In his youth he was ambitious and power hungry.
  • @jf5419
    I think the biggest indicator of why Hermione was put in Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw is clearly depicted in the Half Blood Prince. When Harry offers Hermione a copy of the potions book with the Half Blood Prince's additions in it, Hermione turns her nose up at it and insists on doing things the "right" way. A true born Ravenclaw would not have such an attitude towards the additions in potions book; rather they would insist on reading through it and determining how the Prince managed to conjure up these superior methods and why they work. Also, because of Ravenclaw's desire for excellence, they probably wouldn't pass up the opportunity to access resources that would help them top the class.
  • @ricedonut6567
    Remember what Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, hence why Hermione wasn’t in Ravenclaw. She values knowledge more than imagination because she relies on books too much, and she always insisted on following the instructions, instead of having an open mind.
  • @charycurl7909
    The reason why Hermoine isn't in Ravenclaw is because Ravenclaw students are people who would create DIY stuff, come up with extraordinary ideas, and are very imaginative. Hermoine however relies on books, as you can see she only followed the instructions on the book at Slughorn's potion class in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  • @oddds
    Harry: The Slytherin Gryffindor Ron: The Hufflepuff Gryffindor Hermione: The Ravenclaw Gryffindor Edit: I just want to say I made this post two years ago and have never stopped being entertained by the comments.
  • @aquadraws5833
    Hermione wasn’t suitable for Ravenclaw Hear me out before you tear me down! Rawenclaws might be known for being smart, but they are also known for being creative and open to new possibilities and knowledge. Most Ravenclaws are open minded people because you can never know everything and even if what you say doesn’t sound very possible, they will still consider it even if it’s momentarily. Hermione is a righteous know it all usually bordering arrogance with her attitude and dismissive of most things she hears from others because the books she read says otherwise. She is pretty close minded and usually believes she knows best unless the other person has some sort of higher status knowledge wise like the teachers or Dumbledore. You can see this pretty clearly in her interactions with Luna Lovegood. In the end I think the sorting hat recognized this and placed her Gryffindor because of these qualities. Just being smart doesn’t make you a Ravenclaw.
  • @sh4ff
    FYI: In the books, Hermione was the one that was scared and Ron was the one who stood up quickly to protect Harry.
  • @Alexx11294
    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
  • @zoe-mi9yj
    I think Hermione wasn’t sorted into Ravenclaw because, though she is very intelligent, she is also close-minded and quite judgemental, she was quite rude to Luna, without even properly getting to know her, she also scoffed at Fleur and treated her poorly even though Fleur is quite a genuine person, despite being a little conceited. She is also not open to new ideas, immediately arguing about the Deathly Hallows case, and refusing to believe it, when, truly, the Deathly Hallows were actually real. She also argued and ignored other people’s thoughts about S.P.E.W even though she had plain and obvious evidence and proof that house-elves enjoyed working and then even went to the length of potentially ridding Hogwarts of it’s cooks, cleaners, etc. Ravenclaws are creative, witty, intelligent and open-minded, Hermione is intelligent but that doesn’t make her a a Ravenclaw.
  • The Sorting Hat always considers the student's wish. In the first book Hermione clearly said she thought Gryffindor was the best house, and Ravenclaw second. Imagine the eleven year old Hermione being asked which house she wants to be in, she would have picked the best house to her knowledge. But Hermione is obviously brave. She is not the type of physical fighter like Harry but she's very daring in her decisions. Many times it was Hermione to come up with the crazy ideas. Also note that Harry was friend with Ron first, and Hermione kinda stuck around the boys. She encountered danger but she stayed, even enjoyed it. No one asked Hermione to join Harry's crazy lifestyle. She could've had a much easier life had she only focused on studying. But she was a true Gryffindor.