NeXT, OpenStep and the return of Steve Jobs to Apple

Published 2012-01-07
How all began... Fifteen years ago today:
MACWORLD EXPO in San Francisco -- January 7, 1997

All Comments (21)
  • @TheSteveSteele
    I was working at Apple at this time when Gil Amelia was CEO. He wasn’t totally incompetent. He worked really hard to save Apple while competitors pressed to buy Apple or see it gone. And after being smart enough to not put Copland on top of NT, and realizing BeOS would be too.much work to save Apple, he knew what he had to do. Even inside Apple EVERYONE wanted Jobs back. There was a printed picture of Jobs on the wall on my floor with the caption “Our Leader” and this was 1995! But we never thought it would ever happen. Got to give Gil and Ellen Hancock credit for this. The day the NeXT deal happened was a joyous day. We knew Apple would survive and thrive in time.
  • @mococaboy17
    I can't stop watching Steve Jobs videos. These videos have kept me going through this week of finals for college, all I do is watch these videos and do my work at the same time. Its peaceful. Its nice.
  • @Aichon
    Steve's facial expression and reaction at 7:20 when he sees that Gil stood next to him for a photo op = awesome.
  • @ArthArmani
    Thanks Gil for saving Apple and giving your job to Steve Jobs.
  • @bradstewart7007
    Gil saved Apple. He did absolutely everything right, even if that meant he lost his job there.
  • Amelio doesn’t get enough credit for being the surgeon that correctly diagnosed Apple, cast about objectively for a brain donor, found Jobs and NeXT, and did the transplant. This operation (seen here in all its chaotic awkwardness) created modern Apple. Without him, the patient would have died and been just a footnote in history.
  • @MrVisde
    Love that moment where Woz is being introduced as a surprise guest and Steve is the only one in the room who knows where he is 😅
  • @gabyu
    The minute he speaks, everything is so clear and engaging. Amazing. As always.
  • @tonyg3091
    The moment Steve enters the stage-you realize the difference between a manager of a tech company and a Superstar.
  • @rambalram2610
    What amazes me is Steve was not a trained computer or electrical engineer. Yet he explains all insight into technology, interplay of hardware and software so elegantly. It shows how much grip he had on the product that his company were developing. I am sure he had not written a single line of code in those products but knew inside out. This is sheer passion and grit.
  • This was the famous "presentation from hell," the most disastrous Apple keynote in history. Thanks for uploading
  • @briandecker8403
    it's not everyday you get to see multiple people implode their careers over such a short period of time.
  • @floptech7341
    Amelio: Blah blah blah... Audience: Zzzzzz... Jobs: "This is our mission. ..." Audience: Boom!
  • @laurakane6426
    Gil did do the best thing for Apple and that was to bring Steve back.
  • @debjitdt
    Just one line is enough: Steve Jobs came back to Apple in Feb 1997. The Marketing guy (Satjiv Chahlil) left Apple in April 1997.
  • @ashtonbt1
    My favorite part is when Gil claps in the microphone. I'm glad he was able to do that so many times.
  • @JamesRBentley
    Anyone who has had to present something to a company will appreciate just how incredible Steve Job's presence, charisma, and attention to detail is. Unbelievable.
  • @YongKuKim
    One minute of listening to Gil feels like an hour