When I Heal, Part One

Once upon a time, there was a man who liked to sing and share stories. He created a YouTube channel. Sit back, relax, watch and listen while (or whilst, if you are British) I talk a bit and sing a bit more. This video is so long I had to put it in two parts. I hope you like.

コメント (3)
  • Thank you for talking about mental illness. This topic came up at the office last week when one of my co-workers commented he couldn't understand how a person as funny as Robin Williams could suffer from depression. This points to a common misunderstanding: Clinical/major depression may be worsened by difficulties in ones life, but its cause has nothing to do with external conditions. On comments such as "Get over it" or "Put you big girl panties on," Dick Cavett writes: "Such inane advice of the 'socks up' variety...can only be excused by the fact that if you've never had it you can never begin to imagine the depth of the ailment's black despair...The malady doesn't care if you're broke and alone or successful and surrounded by a loving family. It does its democratic dirty work to your brain chemistry regardless of your 'position'" (http://cavett.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/27/smiling-through/). So true.