Things I reference with friends 2: Electric Boogaloo


コメント (21)
  • Riiiiiiiiight, the pooooison, the poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. ... that poison? YES THAT POISON!
  • "Wouuuld you liiike~ a chiiiild briiiide~?" Ngl, that whole thing was a freaking gold mine "No... It's just them, cause they're stupid" "Exactly all women are stupid!" "What? No them in specific"
  • Nothin quite like the classic that is “unnecessary feelings”
  • @tgyk80642
    Dang, Dean Winchester got serious beef with Joker.
  • jumping up and down and grinning like a maniac at dracula's "What is a man?" dialogue, he's such a drama queen and now we know where alucard got that from
  • “For his neutral special, he wields a gun.” Enter the Mass Destruction
  • "I am the milkman, my milk is delicious." Peak line.
  • 5:55 when i find myself in times of trouble, david tennant comes to me, speaking words of wisdom:
  • 98% chance of people who make references like this are guilty gear & persona fans. *LIKE ME* Also Epithet Erased was nice.
  • i love how you split up the batman clip to keep the videos pace from grinding to a halt.
  • ""THEN WHY DID YOU DRAW HIMM LYYKE THZISs?!" LMFAOOO We ask Japan this every day
  • I'm glad to see that Under the Red Hood got to you like it did to me
  • The sheer amount of Jelloapocolypse and Epithet clips in these is making me so immeasurably happy at 3AM when I'm binging these thank you for everything
  • Smell of the game and the milk man? This video was an absolute treat
  • @auros1872
    WOW as soon as i saw jason todd appear on screen it was like i got hit by a train!