Conscious Parenting: Shefali Tsabary at TEDxSF (7 Billion Well)

Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in New York. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, New York. She is the author of the multi-award-winning, The Conscious Parent. Heralded as a game-changer in the parenting genre, this book turns the traditional parenting paradigms on its head and revolutionizes how we raise our families. She has been exposed to Eastern mindfulness at an early age and integrates its teachings with Western psychology. This blend of East and West allows her to reach a global audience. Her ability to appeal to both a psychologically astute and consciousness-driven audience establishes her as one of a kind in the parenting field. She lectures extensively on mindful living and conscious parenting around the world and is in private practice. She resides with her husband and daughter in New York.

AV and Video by Jonathan Jackson:

コメント (21)
  • "Children trigger old wounds" Yes they do, and that can be a wonderful thing if you embrace it, and use it as a way to get to know yourself better. When I get triggered I right down what I'm thinking a feeling in the moment, and later I go back and try to find out why, where did it come from. Children are the greatest gift for self discovery.
  • I am both a school principal for elementary middle and high as well as a a licensed clinical psychologist. Dr. S’s talks have inspired me to start doing conscious parenting classes for brand new parents so that they can learn how to be effective parents and raise children who are able to live in the world without excessive pain originating from their parents own inadequacy’s and wish for their children to meet their own needs to be idealized and needed.
  • It's disappointing how people are so quick to criticize people in their deliverance than they are willing to absorb and appreciate a very wise and influential message.
  • "We cannot expect our children to embody an enlightened consciousness if we parents haven't dared to model this ourselves." Brilliant wisdom on the necessity of self-care and spiritual path making for parents.  Our children are our first gurus.  It's time to let them awaken us.
  • @ritterac
    We need to love ourselves first!  Parents... heal yourself.  Your children so deserve it.  Conscious Parenting.  Love to the core of the soul.  Self-value!  Excited to be part of this change in our society.  It is a new evolution!
  • One of the BEST videos on parenting I have ever seen.!!!!!
  • Shefali's Indian heritage + westerner education make her a killer healer. She bridges the gap between the essence of BG(Bhagavad Gita), Upanishads(without even mentioning them with technical terms) and current psychological issues in our society; especially in the field of mindful parenting so skillfully and effortlessly. Truly extraordinary.
  • @mcoolick
    I have seen over 1,000 Ted Talks and this is by far the most powerful message yet. There is but one way to change out projectory towards self destruction, as an individual and as a human alive on this beautiful blue planet. I live on the edge of hoplessness with emotional scars - you do to. She answers the question we might as God himself.
  • "We are consumed by can't simply play you must achieve, you can't have a hobby you must excel at it."
  • I'm happy I found this ted talk I've been going through my childhood trauma and I'm allowing myself to feel the pain so that I can be a better parent to my daughter because I know that if I don't try to knowledge my pain at some point in her life she will not want to me around the same way I don't want to be around my parent right now Mental health is important
  • This is one of the best parenting videos I have viewed.  I believe Dr. Tsabary is correct in her thinking.
  • @lxhon
    Not only is her speech a fountain of wisdom that should be understood and incorporated by all parents, I wish for the sake of her brilliant choice of words, that this presentation be transcribed for eternity.
  • Dr Tsabary is a gift to us all. Her philosophy on child rearing, 'Conscious Parenting', was my focus as a parent and still is with my teenage son. Children trigger old wounds. If you find yourself feeling disconnected, angry, resentful or abusive, seek help. It takes strength and courage to ask for help. Do it for your child, do it for yourself.
  • Succinct, spectacular and sooooooo necessary. I've always believed that we as adults need to walk the talk and become the role models. Having children has helped me to reflect on my own insecurities and I've always acknowledge them for pulling me up for my indiscretions. thanks for this Shefali
  • This is the most true story I have heard and what a motive, for loving ourselves and our children you give us Shefali Tsabary thank you, I apriciate your work, with great graditute.
  • @avan812
    Absolutely, you're right! I have been thinking of your idea for some time; I have met with some narcissistic adults and feel so empathy for them... I know the root of their narcissistic behaviors and attitudes: Their relationship in childhood with their parents. Wow! Thanks for your public speaking about this awakening!
  • Finally, an invigorating, honest and mindful approach to Parenting!! A truly refreshing contrast to the pedagogic "Tiger Mom" parenting styles.... Read Shefali's book, The Conscious Parent - Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children for invaluable insight and introspection.
  • Her book, The Conscious Parent is also available through Namaste Publishing's website. I just gave it as a baby shower gift to an expecting mom today. She was thrilled! :)
  • @libby1779
    This woman is changing the world and exactly who I’ve been looking for! So looking forward to study her work.