"People are dying in their homes" | Kwajo Tweneboa Exposes the UK’s Social Housing Crisis

Published 2024-07-19
In recent years, Kwajo Tweneboa has been at the forefront of highlighting the poor state of Social Housing in the United Kingdom.

He has uncovered homes filled with raw sewage, infestations and black mould.

His work has helf rogue landlords to account, and saved countless families from suffering.

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All Comments (21)
  • @baldobaz1
    If a landlord isnt willing to invest in their properties then They shouldn’t be allowed to be a landlord. Too many buy properties and refuse to fix or repair things, if they dont have the collateral to do these things then why are they allowed to buy property.
  • @StarGirl083
    This is one of the best interviews you have done on this podcast and should be shown everywhere. Kwajo Tweneboa is the type of young person who is needed in the house of lords as an independent to tackle such issues.
  • @daftjunk2008
    By saying Labour policy is inadequate because expectations dropped under Tories lets Labour off the hook Labour are in charge now. They need to legislate proper housing change. NO excuses
  • I'm a private renter, but I remember my estate agent telling me "you have damp and mould because you're breathing too much" I said "well I can stop breathing but you might not get the rent after that" 😂 it's ridiculous
  • I believe there should be a housing regulator that should over see housing conditions and check in with the tenants
  • @Celadonfae
    I once got told that mushrooms growing out of my walls was because I was breathing too much.
  • Tenants are blamed and undermined for terrible conditions in homes . This is a disgrace
  • In a rich country nobody should be living in Sub-standard housing or being homeless
  • Thank you for having Kwajo on. Rental housing is awful currently.
  • There is children with special educational needs in poor temporary accommodation this is unacceptable
  • @EamonCoyle
    Kwajo is exactly the kind of person who needs to be standing and being elected as an MP in the way the independent Gaza candidates were. Forget the two party system, the party system in general has become corrupted and there is a need now more than ever for independent and knowledgeable individuals like Kwajo to force the direction of government policies ahead of lobbyists and private companies !!
  • @foehammer5047
    I'm glad the conversation shifted to "we need more people from the same class as me" rather than "we need more people who look like me", which I took as meaning racial diversity. The nice thing about the last 14 years of Tory rule is it's been very equalising in terms or racial perception. Kwasig Kwarteng, Rishi Sunak, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Liz Truss, Theresa May - it's been a pretty diverse bunch over the last 14 years, but they were all a shower of c***s. What is the one thing that did unify them? Class. More people who look like you won't sort the issue, all that'll happen is you'll watch someone who looks like you do evil. You have more in common with a working class white person than a rich black person, and thinking more racial diversity in parliament (or any structure of power) will solve the issue is narrow minded. We need more people who share our values; people with moral character. And struggle breeds character.
  • big up kwajo, this is an immense undertaking and even with the absolitelg disgraceful state of the housing crisis it heartens me to know that there are people who give a shit about making things better for people❤✊️
  • @Kitofthearts
    This situation with the hotel staff knocking on my door, happened to me, in Hackney, before Xmas time. I am 40 years old, previously 'lived' in London, chose to move out of local social housing, because of shame & prejudice. Now, I live in the 'state of crisis' continually & was granted the privilege, to move back with my parents. I support this man & believe in his character & understanding. Islington Council are supposed to be helping me get into social housing. The isolation is what kills people.
  • @EnemyOfEldar
    This is honestly the thing that nakes me most mad about this country and thr greatest source of the injustice we see all around us. Thank you for doing you are doing.
  • @mazybee9149
    His the most loveliest and genuine nice man. So pleased to see his journey ❤
  • Incredible interview. Thanks so much for helping put this important issue in the spotlight!
  • @LimeyRedneck
    Twenebo is so right and appreciate them taking a holistic view, with including the state of the NHS and housing/ lack of it!! 🔥🔥